Weekend Love Forecast – The Dream Is Worth the Wait

bright lightsThis week’s Mars-Jupiter-Saturn tension created palpable stress and strain in the collective. Push-pull standoffs resulted in annotated and complicated wins for some but not for all. As Mars moves forward in Gemini, Venus in Virgo steps into the arena.

All weekend, Venus opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces and squares Jupiter in Gemini, creating a mutable t-square. Mars is past exact aspect with Jupiter and Saturn but still close and drawn in by Venus’ active square. The push-pull that recently affected action, now has sway over desire, love, and money.

Getting what we want is complicated by events and conditions outside our control. That’s nothing new, right? What’s timely however, is in how it is in our faces, brought to our attention from different angles. Mercury retrograde in Sun-ruled Leo rules both Virgo and Gemini, affecting Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces where Pisces ruler Neptune is also retro.

Maybe we don’t know everything we need to know just yet. Perhaps these tensions will bring out underlying truths – hidden, masked, or overlooked. Consider what’s behind an impediment or why something seems rushed. Allow comprehension to trickle in; take your time with it.

Retro Mercury re-squares Taurus Uranus through Sunday morning, then it perfects a Sun conjunction by nighttime. Surprises are immanent, but sometimes an abundance of light can be just as distracting as too much shadow. Be mindful.

What should we know that we don’t know? What we wish were true is merely interesting or inspiring; we can build from a dream, but the materials used must be solid. What do we know that we’re not acknowledging?

Friday night, the Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon sextiles retro Saturn then holds a square with retro Aries Chiron overnight. It sounds a bit prickly, but in fact this could be a comforting, cocoony sort of mood – provided we take our time to fill in the gaps with soothing connection. Take the opportunity to actively soothe others and allow yourself to be soothed. This is a great way to build back the trust we deserve.

Saturday night’s Moon in Uranus-ruled Aquarius conjoins retro Pluto early on, then spends the rest of the night on momentum. Whatever change is bubbling up in your life, a powerful Aquarius mood is ideal to face it head on. Look where you’ve been afraid to see. Listen from a different perspective. Don’t let ego get in the way! Take this on and it’s invigorating and life-affirming. Look away, and it may bite you in the butt.

Sunday morning, the Aquarius Moon cruises along a-buzz with that infusion of retro-power. By midday it picks up the influence of trines to Jupiter and Mars (exact by night). Until you hit your stride, fill in the blanks by offering service and value to others where you can. In doing so, you’re likely to come across the little details that point you to your own personal target or quest. Then go for it!

Be willing to try more than one way to do things as we encounter a different learning curve. Take things as they come and tailor your responses to the conditions.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – The Dream Is Worth the Wait”

  1. Hi Satori and thank you as always🙏 Friday has been a victory over the issue that started January 13th, 2020. A wonderful sense of divinely timed completion, and it felt as if all the pain and struggle since then is suddenly forgiven. It was truly a miracle🙏 looking forward to the weekend, wisdom is increasing exponentially from this time on, it seems.

    1. January 13th 2020, wasn’t that roughly around the Saturn/Pluto Capricorn conjunction, and there was also a Lunar eclipse in Cancer as well?

      That’s fascinating and intriguing that you have had an issue stemming from that time, get resolved and healed this weekend 🙂

  2. Something rather Aquarian and quirky! An A.I inspirational quote generator. Some of the memes are absurdly hilarious, others are spookily apt for current society.

    Lots of silly fun to be had with this, humour does help to break up the tense energies swirling around 🙂


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