Weekly Astro Forecast: July 22-26, 2024 – Venus-Saturn, Mercury-Pluto: The Long Game

Another Monday arrives after a shocking weekend, a shocking news weekend attributable to Mercury-Uranus. Early Monday, the Sun moves from cardinal Cancer to fixed Leo, Sun-ruled. It’s time to fire up individual and collective creative engines and forge a path to lock in goals. In Leo season, charisma rules.

Monday morning, the Aquarius Moon opposes the tight Vesta-Venus conjunction in Leo (exact by nighttime). Loyalties are tied to ego and identity, but the breezy mood may allow us to push past deeper-seated motivations. Afternoon takes the Moon into sextile with Aries Chiron, so the winning mood opens to the path through rather than around any sticky issues. It’s doable.

Late Monday, the Leo Sun makes its exact opposition to retro Pluto. Fear and paranoia present a formidable obstacle, but catastrophizing is unwarranted. Let others spin out alone rather than engaging in controlling behavior. Protect your own peace.

Overnight, the Aqua Moon squares Uranus and opposes late-Leo Mercury in stressful t-square conversation. Get it out there so it can be addressed, but listen with detachment. Honor the mood: all information feeds the discourse. By Tuesday morning, the t-square picks up Gemini Mars, and there’s a definite shift from the theoretical to practical – still ideas, but now for direct action. But it’s a mood, so keep collecting data, in both pockets.

Tuesday morning, the Moon finishes up in Aquarius and heads to watery Pisces. In Pisces, it quincunxes the Sun and squares Mars. It’s a mood to graciously or silently defer. Find balance in your own position before striding out. The Sun sextiles Mars through Thursday, so there’s no rush. A shiny, smart opportunity to dance into the sunshine is already on its way!

Wednesday morning, Venus picks up a quincunx to retro Saturn in Pisces (exact Friday); and the Pisces Moon squares Gemini Jupiter, quincunxes Venus, and conjoins retro Saturn. Something of lasting value is in the works, but you can’t rush progress! Find the flow (around) rather than heading for the shortcut (rapids). It’s not a block, it’s a save. Soothe egos and play up the pleasure of the long game.

Thursday morning, late-Leo Mercury quincunxes retro Neptune as the Pisces Moon quincunxes Mercury and conjoins retro Neptune. The personal meets the universal, and the mood will either soothe or exacerbate their differences. To best effect, we should avoid feeling sorry for ourselves and drowning the spark of a truly genius collaboration with the divine. Strike a balance between knowing you’re strong enough to stand with anyone and soft enough to be a part of something greater than yourself. The Moon moves to Aries, through the Aries point in sextile to retro Pluto, and we feel imbued with the power of the collective, the power to move the collective.

In the afternoon, the Aries Moon trines the Sun and sextiles Aries-ruler Mars: empowered and dominant, a mood to flex – but in the spirit of life-affirming fun. Mercury moves to its own rule in Virgo and picks up a square to Mars. It also quincunxes retro Pluto (exact Friday night); so whether or not we’re free to act, the impetus for scheming and manipulation is keen. The combo of the two is not the most conscious, so try to steer clear of thinking/acting like a patsy OR a villain. UNLESS – you’re doing so to work out a theory and learn from it (as Venus moves in orb of trine to Chiron).

Friday morning, the Aries Moon sextiles Jupiter, elevating the waxing Mercury-Mars square. So what if there’s a challenge? Isn’t that why we’re here? The heart leaps at the promise of a fight for justice – because we’re up to it!

Afternoon takes the Aries Moon into trine with Venus. Venus perfects its quincunx to retro Saturn, and Mercury makes its exact quincunx to retro Pluto. The Aries Moon conjoins Chiron by night. Quietly overcoming obstacles through meticulous planning and humanitarian decision-making is a path to self-satisfied pleasure. It’s the best way to improve long-term self esteem (experience). The mood is on fire, and we hold the flame!

It feels good because it IS good. We feel good about ourselves if we ACT well. Then, we learn how to make life better through doing the right thing. It’s a pro-social enforcer of norms. Do well, be well. It adds a tiny margin of control. We can’t always win, but we can feel like it when we choose to do the right thing. Indulge in feeling vital and lock down that feeling.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Astro Forecast: July 22-26, 2024 – Venus-Saturn, Mercury-Pluto: The Long Game”

  1. I’m noticing the many times quincunxes appear in this week’s insights. I don’t know how to “read” them, but looking at the five dots on a dice helped.

    It’s been a VERY dicey week in our world here; just saying the metaphor is apt!

    I’m working with it, and like the approach of looking at quincunxes as a way to position plants/trees (I was taught to plant in triangles so all three plants get “a breeze.”

    1. Yes! Quincunxes depend so much on what you put into them. It’s like priming the pump. I love the planting threes wisdom! Thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️⭐️

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