Weekly Forecast: August 26-30, 2024 – When Change Is Inevitable

windowFor the time being, don’t expect to know exactly what to do. What you like, what you don’t like; what causes pain or pleasure – these are the conditions to interrogate and notate. We’re filling in the bigger picture by observing where the data points are not. What you don’t see is just as significant as what you do.

Action can’t be avoided, but remember: fools rush in where angels fear to tread. There’s no need to rush in; take the long way around. Double back and retrace your steps looking for clues. Do something just for fun, just because you enjoy the ride. What if what you decide to do isn’t so deadly serious as you think?

Take things day to day, and do what makes sense for the stretch of road you’re traveling NOW. Experience makes for better decisions, and current experience turns up the best data (clues).

All day Monday, Virgo Venus trines Uranus in Taurus, exact overnight. Retro Mercury in Leo rules Virgo, and Venus rules Taurus. Expect unexpected lightning downloads – ideas about what you want, what you wanted, and how to reconcile the two. In addition, your chances for success improve, particularly when you don’t take things so seriously and appreciate what you have and what you’ve had.

Something doesn’t have to last to matter, and sometimes forms change. That’s a hard pill to swallow, but the medicine is good. Venus opposes retro Neptune on Wednesday, right as Mercury stations direct in sunny Leo. You don’t have to know what you’re doing, but you might – in moments. If you listen within and hold that note. Wisdom doesn’t have to sustain either. Moments are enough.

All week long, Venus forms a grand trine with Uranus (Tuesday morning) and retro Pluto in Aquarius (Friday morning). Venus pivots from Virgo to Libra (its own rule) on Thursday morning. Our desires, our resources, our values pivot as well. Some will be elevated, and some will be relegated. But the process can be relatively painless.

If it does hurt, you may stay in your head about it. It won’t necessarily pierce your heart; or if it does, it may actually enhance your decision-making process. Remember there’s a reason, a benefit. We’re upgrading.

As Venus with Uranus brings surprises and Venus with Pluto brings exes, keep your eyes open for unusual twists of fate. The choice is definitely yours, however, and it’s not something you have to rush to make. Nimble Mars in Gemini is heading into square with retro Neptune in Pisces – mutable choices, multiple paths (and timelines). Maybe wait till the dust settles to rush in.

Monday’s Gemini Moon squares retro Saturn in Pisces through the night. If you’re feeling hesitant, ask yourself why. It might help! See things another way.

Tuesday the Gemini Moon conjoins Jupiter, sextiles retro Mercury and retro Chiron, then conjoins Mars – highlighting a t-square with Venus, Mars, and Neptune overnight. All this as Mercury stations. Trust yourself. Trust your abilities, your training, and your wisdom. It’s all there under your belt. Let it sink in.

Wednesday, we have the Moon in Cancer – its own ruler. The Cancer Moon sextiles the Sun in Virgo, and the mood is settled, grounded in reality as Mercury moves forward. Take heart, and feel your footing.

Thursday, the Cancer Moon trines retro Saturn in Pisces as Venus moves to Libra (in trine to retro Pluto). The Moon spends the rest of the day in square to retro Chiron in Aries. Saturn slows the roll, slow enough to appreciate the view and the nostalgia of it all. It’s okay not to be productive all the time. Rest IS productive. Rest facilitates healing and growth.

On Friday morning, the Cancer Moon sextiles Uranus and trines retro Neptune. Venus perfects its trine to Pluto. A mood to control matches a desire to manipulate, zapping the variables neatly into place (as neatly as Pluto can). Moving, for sure!

Afternoon takes the Moon into Leo where it opposes retro Pluto and sextiles Libra Venus. Creativity and confidence in the collective mood help us stage the story that benefits balance. We do want change, change that moves the plot along – change and balance we can commit to. The Moon sextiles Libra Juno in the night: Passion evens out the change and sweetens the drama.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: August 26-30, 2024 – When Change Is Inevitable”

  1. I can already tell Mercury is on the move. The salon always slows down considerably during a retrograde. The pace is picking up again!

  2. Thank you Satori- very helpful. I have two Virgo’s in my life that horde. Both of their habits effect me directly. I have venus passing my virgo rising and I can feel change coming for both.

  3. Great advice!. The third paragraph in particular (taking things day to day..), really spoke to me. Thank you 🌸.

  4. Fools rush in?

    Oh yes.
    My mother in law just went in for the kill after 5 years of me feeling uneasy about her.

    She hit someone already lying down, by being verbally abusive as f*ck.

    Bye. I finally see. The foggy glasses came off. Now I KNOW….

    She was wrong about me of course. But that’s for me to know..

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