Weekly Forecast: September 2-6, 2024 – New Moon in Virgo

wayfarers london printMonday’s Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon spends the day moving through the sign to conjoin the Virgo Sun, the new moon. This comes on the heels of newly direct Leo Mercury’s fiery trine to retro Chiron in Aries, with Mercury heading into a fixed t-square with Pallas Athena in Scorpio and retro Uranus in Taurus.

The new moon conjunction itself heads into a wide t-square: an opposition to retro Saturn in Pisces and a square to Jupiter in Gemini.

So this mindful fresh start has a foundation and history of mending fences and mediating mishaps and reaches toward the tools of technology and pattern recognition to mitigate breakdowns or spinouts in the flow of data, well-being, and understanding. Understanding and improving upon repeated and changing experience is the remedy, so we bring an attitude of confidence and creativity to this new chapter in the service of a better daily reality.

We’re challenged to choose a path forward that incorporates all of this into a bright future with a firm foundation.

Monday night is the exact new moon. Immediately after, Mars in Gemini (also ruled by Mercury) perfects its long-time square to retro Neptune in Pisces. Soon the fog and illusion around action will clear, even more so after Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Virgo Moon opposes retro Saturn and squares Jupiter exactly. Slow down enough to make good choices (without pressure or zooming past). If you feel rushed or blocked, that’s natural, but it’s healthier to accommodate rather than tantrum or criticize. In fact, as Mars passes through the point of a yod all day and into Wednesday, in quincunx to retro Pluto and Pallas Athena, intense downloads of intelligent problem solving kick ass on multiple levels. Use them to your advantage.

Wednesday morning’s Virgo Moon trines retro Uranus, opposes retro Neptune, squares Gemini Mars, then trines retro Pluto. Take time to milk those aha moments and take in both subtle and overt prompts for intuition. Oh so satisfying! Whether or not you’re able to act on them right away, they have promise and are buildable.

Mars moves to Moon-ruled Cancer midday, and the Moon heads into Venus-ruled Libra. In Libra, the Moon conjoins the south node then heads into conjunction with Venus (exact overnight). We feel compelled to get going, to get something started. However, first we’re confronted with what we WANT and what we HAVE. Every project needs an objective, one that suits its abilities AND its resources. Consider these components and how they feel on a gut level.

Thursday morning, the Moon runs through conjunction with Venus and Juno, and heads into trine with Jupiter all day (exact overnight). We seek more! Enthusiasm, passion, and desire are increased, balanced, and boosted. Pleasant and pleasurable vibes are PUMPED.

Friday morning, the Libra Moon heads into opposition with retro Chiron as Venus moves closer into conjunction with Juno. How far we’ve come; now we’re tested. It’s not a bad feeling. There’s every reason to feel like we’re on track and ready to commit. Just stay open to the likelihood that there’s even more to learn and put into action over time.

Friday afternoon, the Moon picks up a sextile to Leo Mercury: what a great chance to elicit the perfect reply to a carefully worded question. Then think it over yourself, and mine it for gold. The Moon goes on to cross the point of a yod from retro Uranus and retro Neptune: electric dreams and a flash of the ideal psychic intervention.

The Libra Moon then trines retro Pluto in Capricorn before heading into Pluto-ruled Scorpio to trine Mars overnight. That sounds sexy to me. At the very least, there’s plenty of itch to scratch and plenty of scratch to satisfy the itch. Just enough to keep things interesting and deeply satisfying.

The new moon takes place at 11 degrees Virgo. Where does it hit your chart? Where are you making a fresh start in your everyday life?

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