What’s In Your Wheelhouse? What’s Your Expertise?

wheelhouseI had a gal email me, asking for clarification around what type problem fell in my wheelhouse. It’s a good question.  One we might all want to consider.

I’m perennially interested in relationships.  I can readily see the other person’s side of an issue, which is a big help, if your family and friends tend to side with you in all circumstances.  I am not a “yes man”!  I have a lot of clarity and my judgement is good as well.  Not judging you, but judging circumstances. I always, always, act in the client’s best interest.  If it’s your fault, I will tell you!

My ability to judge comes in handy when a person is involved in a dispute.  Basically, if you’re going to get you ass handed to you by a judge, I will let you know before than happens. I give a good reality check in any circumstance.

I am routinely calming to people with fears.   Everything from fear of surgery to your fear that you suck!  See, even if you did something sucky, I can always see what to do next. That’s another thing,  I am an idea generator. If you can’t think of what to do, I can almost always draw a person a map out of hell. I don’t have an idea. I have several; you can pick.

I can readily tell when someone is in in a pay now, or pay more later situation.  I know when to hold them and when to fold them, basically. I can always explain my logic. I do not say things without basis. If I am guessing, I will tell you, this is a guess!

Then there’s trauma. I have a high opinion of people who survive horrible situation. I do not discount people like this, people like me, so if you slip on a banana peel into the abyss, I am liable to be able to get you back up and running quickly.  I can also readily deal with a person who calls in a flashback. I know how to pull a person out of that fire. I know you’re not crazy. You don’t have to tell me and you don’t have to worry about it.

I am also good at life transitions. Young adults establishing themselves, first pregnancies, empty nest, menopause, retirement, etc.  I also work with a lot of caregivers. I’d say I’m an astrologer’s astrologer and a caregiver’s caregiver.

I feel there are often simple solutions to problems, that may not be obvious, until someone highlights them. I wish people called me sooner, rather than later.  On that front, I’m very good at vetting a potential partner. I can tell you exactly what you will be dealing with; things that are hard-wired in the other person. You can decide whether you’re in or out.

I’m also very good with Neptune problems. If you lose your way, I can easily locate you and tell you where you’re at, where you’re headed and whatever else you ask.

Last, I am adaptable and I have very good boundaries. I respect another person’s culture and the rules they choose to live by. Basically, I can meet you in your world as mine is irrelevant to your problem.

Outside of this, I can tell one hell of a story!

Your turn! What is your expertise!



11 thoughts on “What’s In Your Wheelhouse? What’s Your Expertise?”

  1. I like how you framed the question. When I was a kid my favorite tv show started Preston Foster, he was a tug boat captain. The wheel house drew up that memory — 60+ years ago.

    I am a broad creative, able and willing to turn straw into gold my expertise is making a space beautiful, with little or no money. Literal or figurative. Collaborative imagination, I’m your gal.

    Can’t get there from here? I can dream up a scheme that weaves many unexpected textures into a vessel where someone is there to hear your stories, knows how to make a mean chicken and pineapple stew, and will never tell you to stop crying when you hurt.

  2. I wanted to respond to your post re: Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius and the Libra aspect. I am feeling big internal changes with my 0 degree Venus, 2 degree Jupiter and 3 degree Ascendant all in Libra placements! I moved into this little community within Harpers Ferry, WV almost 11 years ago. I’ve tried really hard to be a good neighbor but have never felt accepted mainly because of the vicious, lying gossip next door. A big back stabber and trouble maker – and not just to me. Of course, with my strong Libra, I’ve always tried to keep harmony and pretend that the crap isn’t happening around me. I confronted her this week as she was up to her usual BS and she was trying to gaslight me when an elderly neighbor came over in her defense. I pointed out the irrefutable lies right in front of her, which she could not defend, and the only thing left for the old fart to say was “I’ve never seen this side of you before!”. LOL!!! I have never been so proud of myself in my life!! I want that on a t-shirt!!!

    1. ooh! I left out the best part…. when the old fart said he hadn’t seen that side of me before…. I said ‘that’s right but every once in a while I do stand up for myself’. lol. I felt on top of the world at that moment. I don’t care if the whole bunch never speaks a word to me again!!! That’s huge for a Libra….

  3. As usual, I’m finding myself nodding my head in agreement with everything you’re saying.
    Able to see other perspectives, no sugar coating, ideas to solve problems, etc.
    I’ve always had a hard time defining myself because I’m kind of a chameleon. I can be whatever is needed in the circumstances… very adaptable, while still being 100% ME.
    I think if we ever met and started exchanging stories, we’d laugh until we peed ourselves 😂

  4. Your list, Elsa, is a hard list to follow! You’re right, too. You ARE GREAT at all those things!

    I’m working getting my wheelhouse redefined within. I’m great at acquiring information, with Jupiter in Gemini. Too much information sometimes! I try to be a mediator, to see why someone might be in the space they are in and what the conflict involves. I am good at seeing potential pitfalls in a choice someone wants to make. I can be a good encourager to someone who needs it, perhaps helping them find their path for now.

    My wheelhouse, though, seems hard to define. I’m changing fast with studying various 9th house subjects. I have loved astrology studies for years but haven’t really moved forward with it except to do free gift charts for family and their friends, or curiosity charts chosen for my studies. Oddly, I’ve honestly thought about giving this astrology study up once again. I’ve been behind on solar returns for family and often don’t go the extra mile anymore in this area.

    The jury is still out. My time is swiftly moving along……I’m wanting to make the most of it. I love to quilt, and have thought it might be my wheelhouse in my “golden years”. I’ve wanted to accelerate my skill building and do more freeform quilts with additional skills I’ve learned about. Yet, I’ve languished with all my UFO’s (unfinished projects). Slowly picking up speed with this, I’ve gotten a spark to work on finishing one that is dear to my heart.

    To sum it up? Writing, Astrology, and Quilting are my three main wheelhouse areas. Cushioned with the blessings of family time, I enjoy my life. I am trying not to worry much, having spent a lifetime doing just that.

    I’ve wondered if my wheelhouse is more research than what I’ve done much of my life. I love to research things about, for instance, outer planet (especially Pluto) stations when various life threatening events occur. Hurricanes, Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, major events. I once spent all my spare time during a work week researching retrograde station dates and events. My astrology studies have generated MUCH paperwork. My next big project will be to sort through all that. I have no one to pass any of this down to. Unless I wish to ship to Australia.
    I need an elf to come in at night when I sleep to organize all my papers. I’m working on it every day now, sorting and tossing or saving. It isn’t front burner yet, but it will be.

    I think part of my wheelhouse right now is to improve family relations by being more connected when I can be. At 70, I’m finally learning about fascia (in relation to pain first and foremost). That feels like a great subject to research because it will improve my quality of life. I’d like another decade or two to make a difference and give back to all I love.

    I studied astrology years back taking a course in (Traditional) Horary Astrology. It was interesting, and it spearheaded a new direction to go. I do get more alert when someone is asking me a question in the middle of a discussion about astrology, their chart, etc. (I do charts for friends of family members). It has expanded my understanding, but it’s not a method that has gained much acclaim and I am rusty with my knowledge.

    Finally, writing has been my desire since age 4 or 5. It has stayed with me all through my bookkeeping years (my jobs), mothering years with 5 children at home, and into my retirement. I am poised looking at all of this, preparing for a surprise birthday party for my husband’s 75th. I’ve been focused on baking, cleaning house, and catching up on important things with dates in September. My wheelhouse is ruled by Mars in Libra, with Scorpio on the midheaven. Jupiter is in my 5th. The problem for me might be my 29 Capricorn ascendant. Maybe when Pluto gets past the conjunction with my ascendant, I will be able to answer this more firmly. Where do I want to go? What do I want to do with the rest of my life?

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