Your Responsibility As An Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic, Etc.

hippiesMaybe this is “fluffy”, but I don’t think so.  Back in the 60’s and 70’s; the “hippie era”, if you will, it was well understood, if you had a gift of this type, you better not use to to harm people.

Now I suppose a person might read this in 2024 and find it laughable.  They are plenty of people who think they’re invincible and all kinds of special.   No, not really. Life will show you this, eventually.

The idea back them was of the “karma” type, with a little bit of, “From him who has been given much, much will be demanded.”

If you’ve learned astrology, you’ve been given a lot. I feel it’s best to remember this. Stay humble and be of help.

Mars Jupiter in Gemini, has me blurting and asserting and swearing, which I love to do. I see a lot of people use astrology to be a weed up someone’s ass (my husband’s phrase). This is exactly the wrong thing to do, but I realize, it’s only my perspective.

I think this falls under, FAFO.

Do you use your gifts in positive ways?

6 thoughts on “Your Responsibility As An Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic, Etc.”

  1. What I know, I try to relate to inherant influences. My Dad started bleeding internally early this month when Mercury went retrograde. I know Pluto transits his natal Pluto conjunct mercury that’s retrograde. The Sun transited his natal Mars which also is in his natal stellium. I’m flying through the scenarios that he’s not going to be here long. My moon is conjunct his natal jupter ?saturn in the 7th and I wish I could make him some good broth. The planets are there for me to connect when I can’t. My sister and I moved very far away when we could. He was pretty explosive as an alcoholic. He abused her not me. I see now his Sun ( In that stellium) has Chiron mixed in. I try to understand him. I love him cause he ‘s my Dad and he told me once I was a survivor. He does have Venus in the 8th and he may hang on miraculously. Just waiting and calling the hospital to hear his voice.

  2. Oh hell yes. I’ve had astrologers look at my chart and curl their lip. Don’t do that. There’s a good way to use everything. There are definitely signs and placements in other people that I don’t naturally trust or enjoy. I’m not going to tell someone their sign or aspect sucks if they have it.

  3. Elsa uses her gifts perfectly. With humour, honesty and beautifully written clear pieces.
    And she also shares her love of dogs

  4. It’s definitely not fluffy, people who study and practice astrology do have a responsibility towards others.

    The current misuse of astrology I have been seeing heavily this year is a) using Astrology to spread fear, conspiracy, and paranoia, especially the next year’s transits indicating wars. That is harmful indeed.

    Wars are possible under ANY astrological transit, who knew that a LIBRA Eclipse last October would bring about the Israel/Gaza crisis that still hasn’t abated. Libra being the sign of diplomacy, harmony, relating, THAT “lovely” sign of beauty, flowers and sugary cupcakes? Obviously not!

    B) using Astrology to shoehorn their own political ideologies into a mundane reading. If you are going to try and predict an outcome for a political party or leader, just look at the transits, progressions, etc in a neutral way, and put your own feelings aside. Otherwise your own bias will skew the reading and render it misleading, and possibly give a wrong prediction altogether.

    If you don’t like Trump or Kamala for example, hate them to your hearts content in your own free time lol, but if you are reading their charts, focus on the transits like you would be reading an anonymous stranger, like a “blind” reading?

    The amount of non-astrological vitriol (on both sides) I’ve seen when it comes to political readings is appalling, and often times way off the mark due to strong personal subjective feelings getting in the way of predictions. It causes even more conflict, hostility, and extreme divisiveness, which is already as bad as it is even without astrology.

    Astrologers should know better.

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