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AI Bot ChatGPT

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Have you tried ChatGPT?

It seems this would be next gen search.

Here is a sample from the site:

Tell me about when Christopher Columbus came to the US in 2015

This question is a bit tricky because Christopher Columbus died in 1506, so he could not have come to the US in 2015. But let’s pretend for a moment that he did!

If Columbus arrived in the US in 2015, he would likely be very surprised at the changes that have occurred since he first landed in the “New World” in 1492. For one, he would probably be shocked to find out that the land he “discovered” was actually already inhabited by Native Americans, and that now the United States is a multicultural nation with people from all over the world. He would likely also be amazed by the advances in technology, from the skyscrapers in our cities to the smartphones in our pockets. Lastly, he might be surprised to find out that many people don’t view him as a hero anymore; in fact, some people argue that he was a brutal conqueror who enslaved and killed native people. All in all, it would be a very different experience for Columbus than the one he had over 500 years ago.

I am seeing very interesting responses to a variety of queries. There's no telling if the bot knows something you don't, and the unexpected answer may actually be correct?

But bias exists... and it seems to me that just like regular (legacy) search, you will get tainted everything... however I'm not sure and in fact, the leanings may change second by second.

I do think a lot of us are spending a lot of time making friends with bots, or trying to impress them and such. 

What do you think of this?

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"Its good like you can ask it tech stuff. Could save me some time at work
before it inevitably takes my job..."
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@elsa Yup.


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I saw this, too. I haven’t tried it because it looks like you have to login and I was…not sure. So while I don’t have first hand examples yet, I’ve listened to people who used it. It will have a bias but will it be more than the references we already use/used? I guess I will have to try it on my own because I have so many questions right now…

Is this one more way we paint ourselves into a corner, secure one more brick in the wall of our own prison?

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I really don’t like how I am always extremely suspicious about these things. In my mind I’m sitting there fuming at it and it feels like it sets me apart even further from everything. But I will take a look at it.

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They want a real phone number, not one of the Google ones I set up to circumvent Twitter evasion. I’m not sure why they need a phone number. To prove I’m not a bot? lol

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As far as are we making friends with bots? I’ve heard of the Dead Internet theory. Maybe we (the collective, ever time) are subconsciously making our own reality online. It’s creating a consensual reality.

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