There is a man I've known for about 15 years. He's younger than I am by about 20 years, but our charts are very, very similar. In fact, the majority of our planets line up. The degrees are very tight as well.
They say, familiarity breeds contempt, and I can feel this at times in this relationship. It runs in both directions. But neither party can truly discount the other because we'd have to be both blind and stupid to not notice the likeness between us. Neither party is blind or stupid.
It's very interesting because the first 180 degree conflict we ever had is the same conflict we have today. I think is sort of nutty.
His fundamental position is this: everyone is a liar, everywhere you go.
I have the, Henry gene. I believe most people are honest and you should take someone at their word until they're proven to be of low character.
When this subject comes up, we just stare at each other, like hogs looking at a wristwatch. But we both have Libra, so we try to see the other person's view and it's possible to do so.
In the latest altercation, he mentioned he lives in the corporate world. He assures me that every single person is a backstabbing lying son-of-a-bitch.
I do what? Take him at his word, of course! And it makes sense because he lives there, and I don't. He would know!
In contrast, I'm exposed to people who hire me to help them sort a problem. It behooves them to be honest and they generally are.
That explains it, I guess, but it's interesting because we really are of similar nature. When I try to imagine myself in this other world; well I may survive it but I would never thrive. There's just a certain amount of "goodness" that's got to be swirling around and accessible in order for me to breathe.
I don't have anything particular to ask about this. I just think it's an interesting case. The fact the relationship has been sustained over time makes it pretty unique. It's almost as if we can look at each other and see what our life would be like had we made different choices. Weirdly wonderful on some level.
that magical power of libra to hold both sides of the scale. Good to think of before this full moon!
This resonates, especially the fact that we each live in vastly different worlds. And what's true in my world might not hold true in your world, and vice versa. I feel that I've been straddling two worlds, and need to take the final step away from where I came from, to place both feet firmly in the world where I've chosen to live. I'm doing it, but it's a slow process. Like a walking tree.
😉 I was just thinking about this before I saw your post, not from a personal, know one another level. I have Pete Burns as my Astro twin. (Lead singer and founder of the band “Dead or Alive”.) We were born 2 minutes apart and an ocean away from one another.
He was flamboyant, cutting edge, he was part of a paradigm shift in music and celebrity.
Me…my Libra shows more, even when I wanted to stand apart, it was more refined. I was never meant to be a celebrity, it would drive me crazy. But I always wanted to point to something and know that in my way I changed the world, and I did. But you wouldn’t know unless you were told. At this stage I’m ok with that. When I was younger not so much, I wanted it shouted from the mountain top. I said in a previous post my life’s lesson more often than not was “managing expectations” and don’t upset your mother. or husband.
someday I”ll let loose and damn the consequences.
I'm still wondering why anyone would choose and stay in a career filled with backstabbing liars. It must be for the money, but is it worth it?