
Bizarre, Sudden Sho...
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Bizarre, Sudden Shocking Death (Uranus in Taurus)

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Oh Elsa!

Yesterday I sent a business email to a woman who has helped me with a book publicity event for the last three years. I received a shocking return email that I thought was a joke. I had to read it several times before I could believe it. I did some searching and it was true. In short:

This 29 year old woman in the midst of her 1st Saturn Return in Aquarius had just met someone for the first time in her life and was in love, feeling he was The One. She was in love. They went to dinner on this particular night and decided to take a walk afterwards. They crossed teh street and a man comitting suicide jumped off a building and landed on her, instantly killing her (fatal head injury), a few days short of her 30th birthday.

I do not have her chart but know all other details, so doing one without the birthtime here is what I see:

Transiting Sun, Mercury (walking), Venus (love) and Uranus (sudden shocking, bizarre) all came exactly conjunct that day on her Sun in Taurus. She had natal Mercury (18 degrees) in Aries and natal Chiron in Aries (10 degrees).

So was this horrific tragedy "foretellable"?

I find myself in tears about this young woman's death. She was right on the edge of coming into herself, her adulthood. Gone too soon.

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This is horrendous and no, I don't think this could have been known in advance. Even if you told someone something like this, you'd not be believed! I'm sorry you've suffered this tragedy.

When I read this, I wondered the purpose of something like this... WHY.

I guess it reminds us that anyone can be gone at any time. Also, we can be gone at any time.

It's a powerful message.

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@elsa  It is powerful as well as spiritually bewildering. I think, too of the young man. He fell in love and his person was killed while walking beside him by someone dropping out of the sky. I pray someone is giving him what care and comfort can be given.

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