I'm a bitch? Natal Eris at 10° Aries squares natal Cap Mercury, Venus, Juno (all 10°) and Lilith at 11.
Need to
6th house natal, widely opposite Mercury. currently 4 degrees away from my descendant. ah crap. i hate strife
i havent kept track of eris, but ive only briefly read about it in a negative connotation.
From what I gather, Eris is moving really slowly. Practically everybody living now would have it in Aries. With a slow progression like this, I would give it almost the same treatment as the fixed stars get, counting only very tight (1.5 degree orb) conjunctions as aspects. Possibly look at the house placement.
But I have to say that I'm very strict in this sense, when it comes to "minors" in astrology.
Elsa said
Eris in Aries (Mars' potentially hotheaded sister) squares Pluto in Capricorn on five occasions in the next ~18 months:
Right now these two planets are 1° apart, and when Sun-Conjuncts Eris in Aries on April 12th just as Mercury ingress Aries we might get a little flavor of what the Eris-Pluto relationship might bring.
I'm generally an optimist, so the square doesn't scare me; could be because I'm a believer and at times an unwitting catalyst for Chaos Theory. In fact, these squares might herald an enormous amount of energy to annihilate (Pluto) some of the discord (Eris) that has prevailed, be in our society or on a more personal level. But I can see how this may have many running to purchase more toilet paper.....
The exact squares happen, all but one, when the Nodes are in Sag/Gem; this is relevant as our path(s) would have shifted from the current:-
1/26/2020 at 23°14′ ... Saturn-Pluto conjunction, remembers this?!
6/14/2020 at 24°27′ ... Pluto is Rx and Nodes at 29°
12/10/2020 at 23°14′ ... Brother Mars is still in Aries (6 months)
8/27/2021 at 24°40′ ... Brother Mars is Plutonic in Scorpio and Pluto is Rx
10/9/2021 at 24°18′ ... Brother Mars is conjunct S.Node in Sagittarius
It's energy, intense energy that we have free will to use or direct either for good (the light) or bad (the dark)!