
Escaping Twin Flame...
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Escaping Twin Flames doc & Astrology of Cult

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Wow, has anyone watched this? It's pretty unbelievable how people fall for this shit.

I'm wondering if this is indicative both natally & transits... not just the "deity"-tyrant but more so the people that get roped in. I know it's brainwashing & abuse, but any thoughts on the astrology of cult dynamics?

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Have not see the doc, but feel surrounded by "cult dynamics".

I feel a "cult" runs this world and there are countless cults under the larger umbrella. 

Various celebs have cult-type followings.... perhaps made up of bots, which wind up pulling real people in.

I am personally involved in a cult as a Gamestop investor.

I do think a "cult" needs a leader. They do not have to necessarily, be a tyrant. Most are charismatic salespeople.

I think Pluto in Aquarius will deal with this... as a cult is a group.

I also think AI or the equivalent (non-human, whatever) can lead a cult.  

You can think of the political parties as cults, these days. Led by the same entity, if you ask me.  Wizard of Oz, behind the curtain.

Timely question.

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I am about halfway through it. 

You know that people say the exact same things about anyone who studies astrology. They have said it to my face. Worse, they say the same and call it demonic. I came back to add... tarot. They say worse about tarot. 


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@soup I don't really feel sorry for these people, to be totally frank. I understand it's brainwashing and abuse, but the constant wording: I was forced, I had to... 


Can't get on board with this. More personal responsibility please...

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@belladonna I can't feel bad for them either. 

I will use astrology as an example. I understand energy better because of it and for me it is real, so it is. But for most of the people I know.... they literally think its bat S crazy. I mean, they laugh. If mentioned, well I am crazy town. Period. I know better than to ever speak of it to anyone I know personally. I have some religious acquaintances (please, they screw everything walking and take prescription drugs so they can say they aren't an addict) that will flat out say Satan. Then of course screw their affair relationship and ask for forgiveness on Sunday. (Hypocrite and cult) But astrology is bad. 

I don't discuss it with anyone except people who are involved in it. But I am not forced to do it and when the scary astrology predictions come... I am out. That is where I draw the line. I guess what I am saying is, I know when to pull the plug and I expect other people to have the good sense to avoid giving their life savings or their first-born child over to something like this, or religion, or a cult. 

Personal responsibility seems to be a thing of the past. I was just reading a long-winded article the other day about 20 somethings that have their parents call their jobs for them... they didn't like their reprimand or how they were evaluated. 🤣 Can you imagine your mom showing up to your job to bitch because your yearly eval was not what you expected or to demand the boss change their kids schedule?  (But it's not just young people! Geeze folks, snap out of it!) 

I am trying to think of what in a birth chart would make you gullible enough to believe. Or by transit what would make you broken down enough to reach for something like this. I know the transit that sent me here. Saturn was in Libra getting ready to go into Scorpio. I wanted to learn. (around 2012)

Transiting Saturn square my moon made me second guess reality 🤣 but I still didn't shave my head or eat a raw chicken! To get some relief though, If I knew it would work I might have 🤣 

The only time I feel really bad in these situations is when kids are involved. But that is none of my business because people can have children and raise them any old way they want.   

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I just thought of the days of Hare Krishna's in airports. I got stuff in LAX for fifteen hours once... in the late 80's. Their were armies of Hare Krishna's wearing red, selling red poppies. It's an 11th house / Aquarius thing.

We will see the shadow side of Aquarius. I'm afraid I know a lot about this. From 2009.

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@elsa Never saw this one before. Reading the comments was interesting. 

Raised an Aquarius moon. I live with a rising/mercury. I know the dark side up close and personal. I know the good though too. Good blog post and good comments. 


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I've seen the documentary, but was some time ago. I think anybody who has not been raised in a loving way that make them feel they belong somewhere, that they are utterly alone in the world, would be easier sucked in than otherwise. (Guess this is Aquarian too, but also moon involved). If the hope (to find your twin flame) is strong enough (neptune involved? Romantic and looking for Mr Right?) then it's perhaps easier; not wanting to see the illusion. And once you're in and have spent a lot of time and money for this idea, and probably also convinced others, then you have to walk the talk and difficult to get out. I agree though that responsibility is not in abundance in the world today.... 😔 

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This made me think on Charles Manson and how those people just followed what he said and did what he wanted them to do. 

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yes, I agree that once in difficult to get out for reasons listed and described by the people themselves. I can have compassion for that... and for what maybe got them there in the first place; however, the way they talk about it NOW is what I have issue with...

you can call out the abuse and manipulation while still also taking responsibility, simply by the way you speak about it, ya know? 

They even corrected themselves sometimes from blaming themselves to blaming the crazy leader guy, which, okay yes, I definitely think he's insane & should be held accountable, but hearing "I was forced to... because we had to" ...

No, you allowed yourself to be manipulated into thinking you had to... and that's forgivable but at least tell the truth.


definitely agree about Neptune... which is why I'd be curious about transits for these people... especially when the veil drops and they start to suddenly come back to reality & realize, oh this is a cult

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