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Feminine v. Masculine energy

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WeCareALot said
I wish people would stop equating femininity with dependence, girliness, or being a damsel-in-distress. Masculine and feminine energy are NOT the same as how their manifestations. You could have a person with strong masculine energy who's go-getting, cerebral, and protective or you could have an overly aggressive asshole who tries to control everyone around him/her. With feminine energy, you could have a person who's nurturing, empathetic, and emotionally aware or you could have someone who's hysterical, passive, and lacking in strong boundaries. How an energy MANIFESTS is not the same as what the energy itself represents. This is how women end up thinking that being feminine means being gossipy, obsessed with clothes and men, and catty. Sure, that's one expression of femininity -- just like being a controlling, insensitive asshole is one expression of masculinity. But that's not all of it, is it? 

Chart-wise, I'm predominantly masculine -- I only have one personal planet in a feminine sign (Pisces Mercury) and only my social and transpersonal planets are feminine (Saturn/Neptune/Uranus in Cap and Pluto in Scorp). So I often feel strong masculine energy that ends up meeting feminine energy outside of me. The only feminine energy I can really identify with is Moon/lunar energy given my Moon conjunct Ascendant in Libra, which mostly manifests as a strong, restless desire to roam, then retire, then read, discuss, and marvel at different types of art. 

With that said, it has always bothered me how people seem to only consider the more negative expressions of feminine energy and then gas up masculine energy. Reminds me of the girls I heard growing up who would claim to only hang out with men because women are too "catty." There's a much stronger hatred of feminine energy than masculine energy in the world, which I think is changing (thank God), but it pains me to see so much hate for a type of energy that people reduce to cattiness and damsels in distress. It's funny how so many people need feminine energy (nurturing, love, empathy, emotional respect, etc.) and have no qualms about using it when it's available to them (usually in the form of a woman), yet they constantly devalue it or reduce it to 'weakness' and dependence. Think about how many issues people have that stem from a lack of emotional self-care or a lack of nurturing in their youth. Please give feminine energy its due. We all need it and the people who downplay it are usually the ones who need it most.    

I completely agree with you! I have also always been aware of the general public's unfair view of feminine and masculine energy. I have always hated how male driven our world is, this is actually one of the biggest issues I take with the Abrahamic religions. Why is God referred to as a man?! Loving, nurturing, forgiving, empathetic....these are all traits that most people consider feminine. And if God is THE creator of all shouldn't we identify God as feminine energy? Women give birth, not men. By all means the females of all the species create new life, the males barely contribute to the actual creation lol.......oh and not that it matters that much but I'm a guy by the way xD

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80/20 Fem/Masc here.

I think I come across as very aggressive online.

It's the exact opposite in real life... especially if I keep my mouth shut.  I can easily be seen as passive and in fact, attract perps like none other!

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@elsa I think it's your Mars/Mercury, re: seeming aggressive. I can relate with the real life illusion of passivity as a Sagittarius who frequently keeps my mouth shut. As mutable as I am, I prefer to read the room before I open my mouth.

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When talking Animus and Anima its useful to go back to Jung and Toni Wolfe.  Jung was Anima possessed - the urge to relate, merge, and please is there with the SN in Libra and Sun on the Descendent exactly square Neptune.

His destiny was to  individuate from and contend with the dark feminine unconscious with the Black Moon on the Midheaven and a Pluto Moon conjunction at the bottom of the chart near the IC.

Toni Wolfe was a Virgo Sun with a Pisces Moon. Where is her Animus ?


The Animus Anima dynamic is related to integrating the Virgo Pisces duality which is really "up" this year as we approach the upcoming Venus Neptune Jupiter conjunction...

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I tend to think of anima/animus as polarity, as opposites, and how we perceive duality, spiritually. 

I look at 1st house/7th house axis. Really any house axis but primarily 1/7 as the 7th is projected and is how we meet our “other half”

4th/10th factors in strongly as it’s the house of the parents—mom vs dad. 

Then the relationship of the Sun (masculine) and Moon (feminine). 

ETA: like Elsa, I also often come across as aggressive, or for me maybe spastic or something when I write. I am trying to make how I write more in harmony with who I really am irl lately though. I am so, soooo soft and kind irl. Been told I have a calming presence more than once by people. 

I *can* get aggressive or pissed, I mean, I have an Aries Mars, but it’s not my general everyday personality at all. What makes my writing sound like that is Mercury square Uranus.


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Yes - all four chart angles are involved in unraveling the anima animus dynamic and coming upon individuation.

Here is another chart for an anima male - John Lennon


Anima males are drawn to animus females who carry a demand for obedience and control in exchange for love. The classic picture for Rolling stone by Annie Leibovitz with John naked and curled up in a foetal position at Yoko's side speaks to that. He used to call her Mother.

Male appetite for animus females withers when we get the emotional power of the IC functioning within us.

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I think the hard and fast male female energy is a myth as we have both in varying degrees within each person. I think mine are somewhat balanced, but I express both at various times.

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