
Introvert or Extrov...
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Introvert or Extrovert?

Posts: 114
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Can you tell if someone is an introvert or extrovert from their birth chart?

Which are you? What placements in your chart do you think shows you are an introvert / extrovert? 

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Heavy emphasis on Water and Earth in the chart, packed 4th or 12th houses

I'm an introvert with extroverted tendencies. I have five Earth planets with a Water rising sign. But I have an Air Moon and a packed 3rd house, which gives me the extroverted tendencies.

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I'm actually shy until someone gets to know me and becomes my friend. Then you get to see the real me...weird and chatty.

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Aww you don't seem weird at all. 

Yes, I can see how you would be an introvert with those placements. 

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I'm a proud weirdo so no need to feel bad for me on that.

I guess quirky would be the word to use considering I have a strong Uranus signature on my chart next to Saturn and Pluto. My Air moon is Aquarius.

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I have in total eight water placements, with no air and only sun and mc in fire. With moon in a water house I am heavily introverted with a social anxiety.
Heavy water and earth in the chart can definitely show the introverted tendencies. 

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That's a lot of water! 

So water and earth indicate introversion.

I've plenty of fire and air in my chart, including Leo Sun and Aqua Rising. I consider myself to be an extrovert, who needs quiet time / time alone.(Moon in 12th).

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Houses 7-12 are mostly other oriented so I think having a predominance of planets below the ASC/DSC horizon may give introverted tendencies. 

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Interesting, thanks! In my case I only have 1 planet below the horizon and I consider myself to be an extrovert. 

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@jana I have planets mainly in the 8th, 9th and 10th house and I’m very much introverted. I believe it is again - water and earth houses that makes you introverted and therefore fire and air - extroverted. 
I can’t think of anyone I know with planets in the 3th house to be introverted.

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That's a good point Smile Hadn't thought about it that way.

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