
Introvert or Extrov...
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Introvert or Extrovert?

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I have heard introversion/extraversion defined by whether you get energy from interaction with people or lose energy and need to re-charge privately. Do you think that is true?

By that definition, I am introverted with most planets below the horizon and a predominance of earth planets.

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I think this is true. Its the definition I use. 

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@jana I absolutely believe in that. Introverted people recharge from the inside, while extroverted recharge from the outside.

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@janaI definitely feel it this way ? There are people with whom I'm flowing... and feel more extrovert and other people whom I feel they block me. It is not that they are wrong the way they are, our energy it's not a match. This is all ? 

I'm more of an introvert (stellium in the 12 house with Sun & Moon, but I have a much fire in my chart and a Libra rising, people take me as an extrovert when we first meet... then they start to see I'm not that extrovert actually. But that is the vibe I give first.

With family and friends I'm a total extrovert, I'm really expressing my fire energy when I feel comfortable.


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I'm an INFP in the Myers-Briggs test, but there's a balance in the planets above and below the horizon (Sun is in the 6th, but my Moon is in the 9th conj MC, so you understand the conundrum). I need a lot of time alone in order to process things, but I need a lot of outside stimulation. I think I'm an extroverted introvert or an introverted extrovert... depends how you look at it.

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Nice! Just did the test and got ENFJ. 

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@mariar My Sun in Leo/Sag Moon/Pisces rising sister (yes, the one with Venus in Virgo) shares this type with you!

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Didn't realise you were a Leo Sun too! Do you get on well with your sister? I like INFPs and enjoy their company. 

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Oh sorry you mean your sister is the Leo Sun! 

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@mariar Exactly! I'm a Cancer and she's a Leo!

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Extrovert turned introvert.

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@elsa For some reason, I have become the reverse. Might be the pandemic. Couldn't believe that this would occur after I've reached 30 (Progressed Sun has been for many years in Leo), but here we are.

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I can swing both ways. I have my sun and all personal planets above the horizon. My moon and outer planets are all below the horizon.

I was super shy as a kid. Then after my head injury/NDE when I was 19, I became much more extroverted! It was like a light switched on and I was able to interact with people and exchange energy on a new level. I guess I figured out how to engage with community instead of just being a floater. My 11th house sun has shined much brighter since then. But I still need my quiet alone time to “recharge.”

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Sounds balanced! 

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If you seen my chart full of Leo and Libra you would think I am as social as it gets!
I am probably 70% introvert! Packed 4th house! 

I can play the extrovert card well - minimally 


But I need time to recharge, big introvert here.

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Are most of the planets located below the horizon? 

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What do you mean?

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"Houses 7-12 are mostly other oriented so I think having a predominance of planets below the ASC/DSC horizon may give introverted tendencies."  Jana

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All my Leo is 4th house, all My libra is 6th House

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This seems to indicate introversion then. 

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I’m like 90% introvert, but my Leo rising can sure act like an extrovert when it wants to. I always wonder if it ever shows in my eyes, (like damn you people are exhausting me) I bet it does sometimes, but I will try to hide that. People are really weird about the 8th house energies- in the eyes and such. (Sun and Moon there as I’ve said a billion times just incase a new person reads) 

As I’ve gotten older I’ve become much more hermit-like and I actually have no shame about it.

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Yes! Me as well. I have mostly earth and a Sag Moon/Asc. So I am easily mistaken for an extrovert at times. People are always surprised when they catch me during my intro moods. 

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