I have heard introversion/extraversion defined by whether you get energy from interaction with people or lose energy and need to re-charge privately. Do you think that is true?
By that definition, I am introverted with most planets below the horizon and a predominance of earth planets.
I'm an INFP in the Myers-Briggs test, but there's a balance in the planets above and below the horizon (Sun is in the 6th, but my Moon is in the 9th conj MC, so you understand the conundrum). I need a lot of time alone in order to process things, but I need a lot of outside stimulation. I think I'm an extroverted introvert or an introverted extrovert... depends how you look at it.
Extrovert turned introvert.
I can swing both ways. I have my sun and all personal planets above the horizon. My moon and outer planets are all below the horizon.
I was super shy as a kid. Then after my head injury/NDE when I was 19, I became much more extroverted! It was like a light switched on and I was able to interact with people and exchange energy on a new level. I guess I figured out how to engage with community instead of just being a floater. My 11th house sun has shined much brighter since then. But I still need my quiet alone time to “recharge.”
If you seen my chart full of Leo and Libra you would think I am as social as it gets!
I am probably 70% introvert! Packed 4th house!
I can play the extrovert card well - minimally
But I need time to recharge, big introvert here.
I’m like 90% introvert, but my Leo rising can sure act like an extrovert when it wants to. I always wonder if it ever shows in my eyes, (like damn you people are exhausting me) I bet it does sometimes, but I will try to hide that. People are really weird about the 8th house energies- in the eyes and such. (Sun and Moon there as I’ve said a billion times just incase a new person reads)
As I’ve gotten older I’ve become much more hermit-like and I actually have no shame about it.