Have you suffered a reversal of fortune? You might get luck and money back when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 20, 2004.
What would you like to see come from this?
The conjunction will be at 22 degrees by my birthday that week, so hooray Solar Return... will be in my 7th
No idea what to expect but I'd love to walk through some open doors!
The conjunction is also in my 7th house like @belladonna. Perhaps luck in love or an unexpected relationship that I never thought would happen.
It'll be interesting to see.
Squares to progressed Uranus and prog Jupiter making a t-square. Progressed Asc also changing to Aquarius. Trine to natal Mercury. Lots of energy!
This will be in my 1st house. It’s at a critical point in my natal chart. It’ll make a handle to my cradle aspect pattern, where the cradle focuses its energy. I will most likely notice it.