
Mars square Pluto t...
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Mars square Pluto transit June 2024

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This can be a place to let the forum members know if this played nicely with your chart.

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I’ll start. This morning Mars and Pluto are transiting within 2* of my angles and my husbands angles.  He was loosening up the trigger on a new weapon and in a lapse of attention got a round in the chamber and the gun fired in the same room we were both in.  The ricochet was in my direction.  I was not happy, he was sheepish but all was well, I’ll admit to muchventing!

Spoke with my brother later and he has these two currently within 2* via trines to multiple planets.  He was on the way to his daughter’s house at 4:30 am to deal with a mouse for her.  He didn’t see a downed tree on a small road in time to avoid it and did minor damage or his truck. 

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@myrna wow! Lucky!  Thank God!

I think this is going to be good for me, but also not, because there are too many people around me, foot on a banana peel, standing next to all sorts of trouble.

I feel a mixture of hopped up, happy heart-pounding / fear and dread for those not well positioned, for whatever reason.


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Just adding some dates for reference:

Mars enters Taurus on Sunday 9th June.
Exact square to Pluto rx in Aquarius, circa 1*46, occurs Tuesday 11th June.


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@sophiab thanks.  My IC is 1Aqu08, husband’ Asc is 1tau32.  He had a tire blow on his truck 2 weeks ago too…. His chart is hot right now

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@myrna I think its affecting men more than women, pressure wise.

My suggestion is to lean into Yin energy, Venus/Taurus, that is, being more receptive, self-nuturing, containing. Consciously applied, it might slow things down or ease pressure feelings just enough to avoid accidents.

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@sophiab thank you!

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ugh. My grandson, my daughter and I are all ill with a nasty virus. Almost debilitating with extreme brain fog and our legs and back feeling like they're breaking. It's not 'covid', BTW.

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It makes a bucket-y looking thing made of quincunxes and sextiles, and the square is the bottom, with my natal Pluto and Moon. I think something is wrong with my car but I don't think it's going to kill me before I go back to the dealership. I actually feel pretty chill. Just trying not to open my playboy mouth at the wrong time.

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@katyusha playboy mouth, LOL

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I had a blowup with someone when Moon trined Pluto exactly. I could have handled it better. Mars is not even within 3 degrees range and I already feel easily agitated.

Amethyst and Fluorite are my best friends now. And a lot of grounding.

I was thinking the other day that Pluto acts as energy harvesting agent and not in benevolent way. Someone triggers strong emotion within me as if they or something that flows through them wanted to feed off that negative emotion. Emotional or sexual vampirism is evident. I noticed that sexual hunger is amplified during Pluto transits and so is energy leakage and possession. Some people are literally not themselves.


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