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Mercury Around the Zodiac - Capricorn

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*walks to podium, organizes index cards, clears throat*

Hello, I'm Allie and I'm a Mercury in Capricorn.

So, as I am getting ready to post my thoughts, I am weighing each thought and each word. I second guess what I know. Do I really know it? Is it absolutely correct?


I do think about things before I say them, most of the time. I need to process information. Even when I read comments here, I need to go away before I respond if there is alot of information. If I could hold words and phrases, I think that would be the greatest thing. I could hold them, break them, put them back together, move them around, mix them up. Capricorn is tactile, concrete, structure. Sometimes flat, dry comments and humor. Even my voice is like that, despite how it sounds in my head.

I read that Mercury in Capricorn compartmentalizes. After some thought, yes. Here is how I do it: most everything can be compared to something else. "Do you see that? It's just like that other thing that happened.", even if it's remote. So the thoughts and observations go into little boxes with other like minded thoughts.

Some people get impatient with me, thinking I'm ignoring them. No, I'm thinking about how to answer. I also get flustered with too much information or if it is having an extreme emotional impact on me.

I hope this makes sense!

I would love to hear from other Mercury in Caps, 10th house Mercurys, progressed and natal, too! How do the gears work in your mind? How do you express yourself and process?

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I love Capricorn Mercury. I already exposed my Gemini Mercury and it being posited in the tenth in the corresponding thread. My beloved late aunt had a Capricorn mercury too. Her career advice " always be technically correct." Economic with her words, careful, calculated. I think that's why I had some respect for the latest bachelor with his Mercury conjunct saturn. I could see him weighing his words and communicating responsibly. People undervalue the power of their speech and introduce too much misinformation and garbage. I always consider this when speaking even when I am unsuccessful sometimes.

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Thank you, sunshine! I believe it's better to say it as best as you can the first time, than have to explain or soothe hurt feelings or apologize later. I'm more than willing to say I'm sorry but I don't want to have to.

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I have Merc in Cap. 7th house. At times I think it's 8th along with Sun.

It's square Pluto in Sco, Moon in Tau, and opposite Asc. Trine chiron

I have a very analytical mind. Good with numbers, yet also VERY creative, especially without me attempting to bring it forth. It just happens in spurts, randomly.

I must watch what I say. I've learned this over time. And I love intelligent, insightful conversations. I'm always disseminating information, even in what poetry I right. It MUST be filled with info. I also like to be affable.

I won't hesitate to argue. I like testing minds anyhow. But again, I had to learn that not everyone thinks as I do.

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This was my favorite intro so far. A delight to read allie.

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Tweek said
This was my favorite intro so far. A delight to read allie.


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