
Neptune Enters Arie...
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Neptune Enters Aries in 2025 - Another Civil War?

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I dont understand how Aquarius manifests with Pluto. I would love to see a transformation of power structures to smaller, more local, and decentralized  but isnt it just as likely that Aquarius can go collective style dystopian. 

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@jana or a group comes to power. That's my concern.

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@jana considering the history, I think some dystopian type phase is the most likely re: Pluto into Aquarius. Add in Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Gemini…I just wonder about the particulars.

Pluto was in Aquarius during the reign of Terror, but Neptune was in Libra and Uranus was in Leo, which is fitting for the circumstances of those events.


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I mean it’s basically the Wild West already in my state. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit. People are getting robbed at all time high records and what do the so called leaders have to say? “Our youth are just acting silly” or “our youth are acting out against racial injustice. Can you blame them?” Shit like this.  I could easily see a civil war starting. Let thousands upon thousands of more people get robbed at gun point by teenage boys in masks with ARs in the next year simply because they live in a more affluent area and see what happens. 

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They are doing absolutely nothing about it. Nothing. It just keeps increasing. There are zero consequences. Zero. No chase policy. They don’t give a care. In fact, I think our leaders want this to happen.

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Let something happen to my dear son and I’ll be on the front lines. I will start a riot! I’ve seen so many videos of them beating and pistol whipping young women and innocent defenseless people just walking down the street. For any reason whatsoever, I guess even if they just felt like they looked at them wrong when they were getting robbed. It’s awful! 

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@sirena-oceana Let something happen to my dear son and I’ll be on the front lines. I will start a riot!

Ditto!!!!  Girl... same. They will dial up the kind of crazy that is only seen in movies. No one wants a water sun when they are nuts over a kid.... no one. 

My state just implemented is cashless bail.

Yep. I grew up there and lived there my whole life. This move is the first time I have been away. My whole family is still there. That is where I go when I say I have to go 'home'. There is such an absence of crime here I am not sure how to act most of the time. 


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@soup you’re lucky you got out. This state is going nowhere good. The real dangerous area is in the main city, you know…. but the cashless bail bs is affecting the whole state.

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@sirena-oceana I agree with you doll. 100%!!! I hate that my kids and theirs are still there. It's SO dangerous. 

The last time I talked to my son, and he said you need to come back and live here I reminded him that while I am not ancient, I am too old to try to navigate that crime. I have no desire to be carjacked, my ass kicked for my purse that I carry no money in, just beaten for no good reason or my home burglarized. I literally heard gunshots every night lying in bed. We found shell casings on the ground when we walked the dogs. It's like the freaking wild west. My best friend said.... you got out, stay out. You got lucky. Do not come back here to stay. 

Here is a story. I went home to visit and drove through a fast-food place, got some food, parked in a lot next to my hotel. I am on the phone with my husband.... police cars are sliding into this lot... lights sirens...scared the crap out of me. Right behind my vehicle while I ate and talked to my husband a young man was murdered. Just feet from where I was sitting. Some guys drove through and shot him in the head not 10 feet from where I sat, and I didn't see it or hear it.... could have been me. 

Got so used to hearing gunfire.... just became numb to it. You are still young. Get out while you can xoxox 

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I think the exodus continues and the people who leave will be villified for abandoning those in need lol more like  having the sense to get out while they could.

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@jana true. We are trying to get out asap. 
another stupid thing my state just implemented is cashless bail. They’re saying they’re “no longer criminalizing poverty”. Such BS. It’s the damned wild west out there. It’s insane.

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This state is a cesspool. It really is. Remember what they did to my hard earned degree? Now just handing out licenses like candy. This is the absolute worst state. I hate it. I pray no other states follow suit.

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@sirena-oceana ghastly! I hope you can get out soon. What you're seeing is a mere intro to what's ahead. The stage is being set.

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@elsa oh we are. Hopefully sooner than later. I’ve banned myself from shopping and I’m selling almost everything I have of any value. Hoping to get out of this state in July but it may take an extra year. We are moving to a rural area in another state. Huge change.

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@sirena-oceana You won't be sorry you sold the stuff. I did it, and I have a Taurus moon. It was hard for me at first but well worth being rid of what it took to move on. I too stopped shopping. Nothing came in... everything went out. Even if it takes a year, you will be so glad. Wait till you see the gains. Peace of mind. I am rooting for you. Glad you have a plan xo

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Ah Taurus Moon! My husband has this and we just finished emptying out his family house (that he has had for 12 years!). We can finally sell it Smile He is quite happy about it now...but it was an epic wall to scale. Smile

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Mars starts opposing Pluto from the middle of October 2024.

Exact hits

  • 3 Nov 2024 - 29d Cancer-Capricorn - around US presidential elections
  • 3 Jan 2025 - 1d Aquarius-Leo (Mars Rx) - around the inauguration of the president
  • 27 Apr 2025 - 3d Aquarius-Leo

What a time period to run presidential elections! A spark that ignites Neptune in Aries era!



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Venus and Mercury will station retrograde in Aries in spring 2025 and move back to join Saturn in late degrees of Pisces moving over Neptune back and forth. With North Node on top of it and Solar Eclipse in Aries and Lunar eclipse in Virgo. Wow!

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To me Neptune ingress chart looks like governmental failure in response to disaster of some kind.

Most planets look uncomfortable in their signs.

Mercury in Pisces on anaretic degree conjunct Neptune and Jupiter in Gemini screams communication mess. I would not be surprised if AI deepfakes were involved.

Cancer is probably the most difficult placement for Mars. With Moon in Aries people may be driven by their base instincts.

Late degrees Pisces stellium, disillusionment on steroids?


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My concern is misdirected anger and innocent people becoming collateral damage.

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