
Progressed Moon Con...
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Progressed Moon Conjunct Mars

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About a year ago, I realized this would be my progressed chart in the not to distant future. Progressed Sun & Stellium in Scorpio.

I pretty near there but in the meantime, my progressed moon is in Scorpio... conjunct Mars.

Seeing this, I had to update this post:

Because I feel really pissed a lot of the time. I have Libra (progressed and natal) so I'm not really comfortable with this... while at the same time I am.

I guess so long as I choose the right target; focus my anger, appropriately, it's all right.  But I'll tell you something, that is a lot of energy, to be simmering right below the surface.

And my God, the work. The containing. The things I write and talk and think about. My extreme daily routine.

I have had to get up at 4am every morning, seven days a week, for the last four years - period.

Do you remember a time when you had a progressed moon / mars conjunction?

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I usually get on well with other women but when progressed moon made a conjunction to my progressed mars I suddenly had lots of problems socialising with other women in my late 20s.

The other time something like this happened was at an earlier age, when I was in school (before high school/secondary school) and progressed moon opposed my progressed mars.

In both instances I got bullied (by girls and later women) the only two times of my whole life.

In the earlier in life instance I got in trouble for being too progressive and transparent/honest for my young age in a very strict Catholic school. In the second instance I was dissatisfied in my working life and was hanging and working with the wrong crowd (most colleagues at work - not me - were being unfaithful to their partners in what were monogamous was awful, think I've mentioned it here in the forum...I was so relieved when my work contract reached its end.)

So in the first instance I was not angry or dissatisfied (I was so naive and young I didn't see how my progressive ideas angered others) and got the anger from others (opposition) but with the conjunction others were angry with me but I was not Zen by any means (I was dissatisfied with my life and I was very/too judgemental of my colleagues' behaviours which they picked up on and hence they disliked me.)

I would have never looked at this had you not asked, Elsa. Thank you. I'll be on the look out in some years when progressed moon squares my progressed mars - I'd least I'll be mindful of possible internal and interpersonal dynamics!

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I just called someone, caught them in a bad mood and they started yelling.

I started yelling not to yell at me.

"This is not yelling, mom. You've heard me yell...."


Not wanting to yell about her yelling, we got off the phone.

She called me about 6 minutes later. "I'm on my bike," she said, calmly.

That's more like it!

Come to think of it, my P moon mars is conjunct her Pluto.

Oh maaan,

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I moved when P Moon opposed Natal Mars. That month later on we had a New Moon, which conjuncted Natal Mars. I think exact, too.

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@nan888 Was it a ' good'  move? I am in the same situation with P Moon opposite Mars and wanting to move. All I read is that I shouldn t make hasty  decisions now...

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No, the New Moon was opposite natal Mars, too. In Virgo.

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