
Saturn/Pluto: "Deva...
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Saturn/Pluto: "Devastating Karma"

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April is when shit started to get real for me. Since then the hits have been steady.

The colitis ramped up again, so I had to get serious about getting on medication to treat it.

Got my root canal crowned but they found two more teeth that needed one. Got serious about oral care and flossing every day. 

Had to move out of the neighborhood I lived in with Shiny Taurus. They were luxury apartments so even the cheap ones were well over budget. So I had to move into a room in someone's house and move most of my things to storage.

Even with getting this stuff done, I still feel like I'm going backwards. Like I'm not grasping what Saturn/Pluto means. Teeth still need to be fixed. I'm still having to pull from savings because I lost a few clients for various reasons and have used the gaps in my schedule to catch up on medical care or run errands. The colitis seems to be under control for now but I'm nervous about doing anything that would raise my stress levels (working more hours, going back to school, etc.) because stress can trigger another flareup. 

After 13 years of learning astrology, you'd think I had a firm understand of this Saturn/Pluto energy--but I feel like I don't. 

Soup, thank you for your words. Sometimes I lack faith in my ability to face things. So I needed that encouragement. Thank you. ☺


You're going to pass the test as well. The growth I've seen in you lately has been amazing. So you're an intense person? Okay. You have a shit ton of Scorpio. But I see you learning to put boundaries (Saturn) around that intensity (Pluto). Church could help. Dr. Ben Carson had Mars/Pluto like we do, and he had to beg God to remove his temper before he ended up killing someone. 

Look at Onision. He's on YouTube screaming at the camera, pretending he lives in a tent, acting mentally deranged, and blaming it all on the people who are exposing him. I'm watching this one-man circus slowly self-destruct for attention. From what I understand he groomed children, bullied people online ruthlessly, and was a disgusting creepy POS for a long time. Now that YouTube is cracking down on him, and his gig is up, he plays victim?? Yeah, don't be that type of Scorpio this month and you'll be fine. ? 

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The number 12

Elsa, I couln't help but notice the number 12 in your comment above. Your daughter returned to you after 12 years as you were/are well into some serious transits through your 12th house...

Twelve, the number of completion (or completeness). Whatever she had to work through away from you is now complete. She has returned to the fold, and that is where any further work will occur. Just as you are about to move forward yourself with the action about to cross over your ascendant and into your 1st house...

After 12 hours, a day is complete. Another 12, and the night is complete.

12 months - a year is complete.

Choose "twelve good men" and you have a complete jury.

Choose "twelve good men" and you have a complete group of disciples/apostles to complete your mission on earth after you're gone.

Measure off 12 inches and you have a complete unit of measurement, the foot.

Gather 12 eggs and you have a complete carton.


Soup: that decision you made 36 years ago. It's been complete 3 times over! It's heartening to see you know it! What an amazing number 12 is!

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Humility and grace... two lessons I am still very much working on and learning, and these two themes have been playing especially loud and clear in the past month (December), mostly at work, but also with my parents.

I have been making mistakes or screwing up - big or small - OVER and OVER, DAILY, and, most importantly, been acutely aware of each (or, many!!) instance(s).

In the same time frame, I have also been acutely aware of my incessant judgmentalism towards others - and (the essential and new part) of how often I have been WRONG.

So, yes, both apologizing when I screw up, and being (truly) forgiving of others when they screw up.

And being very grateful and humbled when I am graced with someone's forgiveness of my many foibles.

I definitely will be working on myself in these regards in the coming year. (I am still very much in the middle of those "serious transits" through my 12th house myself. That cycle is not complete for me yet, and won't be for a while.)

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Onison is a huge sexual abuser and a sociopath! laughlaughlaugh

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It was a Jupiter cycle. She even called it "traveling" at the time.  She has Jupiter in Sagittarius...her Jupiter return on both ends. Smile

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Yep, and other YouTubers are saying that the only reason his videos are still up is because the FBI is gathering all the evidence they can before closing in on him.

He started making these really weird videos of him losing his shit, being "homeless", even having fake seizures on camera after Patreon banned him. Tarot reader antphrodite did a reading on him and said he's not hurting--it's a show. Antphrodite is very intuitive, and seemed kind of creeped out by the energy he got from the reading. 

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