
Who's Darker? Scorp...
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Who's Darker? Scorpio or Capricorn?

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It seems people are wondering this. Who's darker? Scorpio or Capricorn?

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They are so different. Capricorn is symbolized by the "devil" card in tarot. Scorpio is the tower and then just death. 

I'm married to a Cap moon. Lord. 😳 one of us has to be the sane one and this varies depending on what is going on. 


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Scorpio is darker because things happen to Scorpio and they must deal with it. Capricorn often refuses to engage.

Scorpio is suffering, Capricorn is solitary.

Of course things happen to Cap as well -- they're ruled by Saturn -- but Cap learns from the lesson and continues on their path without ANY HELP THANK YOU.

Scorpio is much more relational imo. They can wallow. Cap simply leaves.

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I think, Pisces, is suffering.  Scorpio tends to stew. Capricorn broods.

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My husband is both- a Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon. I’m darker. Lol

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@sirena-oceana 🤣 I asked husband Pisces, and he said the same thing you just said LOL

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@soup I’m pretty sure my husband would agree. I think a lot of 8th house can sometimes win over in the darkness department. My husband and I are actually similar in many ways but I am much more introverted, broody. Our emotions are probably equally intense but I have more of that overwhelming urge for revenge than he does. I deep dive more into taboo subject. I’m more of a work in progress than him… it’s not a competition or anything. I would prefer to be full of light and that is actually what I strive toward everyday.

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@sirena-oceana I remember the first time I saw him. He was p'd off about something. He walked past me. I asked the manager, who is that? She just said his name and nothing more. Like he was just some guy that started working there, unnoticed. I could feel the energy coming off him. I didn't know him. But I knew him. I know this makes sense to you. 

He has Pisces, Aqua, Cap, Aries and Scorpio. His energy is pretty major. He can accomplish anything he wants to accomplish. Whether it be academically ... or rebuild some stairs. He can do it. 

He thought his parents were stupid when he was in high school. He got an attorney and had himself emancipated, then finished school on his own. No one had to tell him to, he knew he had to do it. Graduated on time, then won a sports scholarship for full college. Next, he played professional ball, and I would talk more about that but don't want to out him on the internet. But he did play professional sports. He's pretty major. (so proud)

Still, he can get very dark. People don't see it though. I can see it a mile away. Anger is my secondary emotion. Hurt happens first. It's not the same for him.  Neptune, Saturn, Saturn, Mars, Pluto. Yeah, he can go there. I am a big 4th houser. People scream all day long about Scorpio and I guess I get it... but mine is all in the 4th with a Cancer rising. I have never intentionally hurt anyone in my life. I have been f'd over a thousand times to any one time I have retaliated. If there is any one energy that gets talked about and beat to death, it's Scorpio when there are other energies that are absolutely devastating when they want to be... and they are never talked about. I scratch my head about this... I can name some energy that literally tried to annihilate me. Literally. (they didn't and they couldn't, but they were wretched when they tried!) There are energies that will never love you, are selfish and only care about themselves and can walk away from anything and not feel it at all. Never a word about them. Not where I see it on astrology sites. 

So, at any rate, he is probably darker, but he gives the only kind of love that will ever be good enough for me. True love. That's what Pisces gives.  

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Scorpio, in my opinion. 

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