
Illness and Sudden ...
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Illness and Sudden Death

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Soup and her family are in my thoughts here over the pond. Truly awful.

I agree with everyone here to keep an eagle eye on any unusual symptoms. Three cases of 'turbo-cancer' that I'm aware of here - 2 throat and 1 kidney. They seem to have been caught in time. 2 strokes, both men, thankfully pulled through. Heart problems from out of nowhere... all of these hit at approx. the 6 month mark after a shot. I know it's a personal choice, but I am asking everybody I know to consider refusing the shot. It's much too risky.

Hades Moon
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Praying for Soup and her beautiful family 🙏🏻🩵. My gosh, this event is truly sad/shocking.

It sounds like too many of us have been directly/indirectly impacted with severe health conditions. I agree that we need to be extra vigilant and get things checked out. 

We should also never hesitate to get a second opinion. I think gut feelings/intuition are very important during this time.

Wishing everyone here, health and safety 🌈.

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The gal my husband works with who had all the clots.  Against the thing, but took it so she fly out of the country to attend her mother's funeral.  She went to the larger city hospital for tests... she's not be been to work yet, a week later.  My husband has to find out what's going on but it's concerning. 🙁

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So sorry to hear about soup's daughter in law.  That is awful.  It is a stark reminder of life being so fragile.  There is a book called Cause Unknown by Ed Dowd that provides excess mortality statistics from 2021-2022. This is happening to more families than we might think. Thanks for speaking up about it. 

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Corporate media is such a deceptive and manipulative web, catches and paralyzes people like flies. Not so long ago they reported and blew out of proportion every single case of infection possible, with live trackers, daily logarithmic scales and charts in the corner of the screen. But now they choose to ignore the unprecedented wave of sudden deaths, strokes, heart failures, cancers and other clot related health issues, even though the numbers are much higher.

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The number of both human and AI promoters employed by just one of the manufacturers of the jabs to influence via social media is shocking...


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@warped I am not surprised. They've been spending staggering amounts on PR and marketing and just a tiny bit on actual research. For me the whole industry sold its soul to the devil decades ago. Shutting down the discourse? AI monitors the discussion? That in itself is a red flag. Regardless of the subject.

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@placeboo Right? Major gaslighting.

Just like the vax. It was a big deal whether we were vaxed for 2 years. Now it is not asked.

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Okay... so lets say you took the shot and your blood has...problems.  You should be able to help your situation by getting rid of some blood... donating and then your body will make more uncontaminated blood.

You would be passing the problem to others.  

This means to fix the people with tainted (vax) blood, we will need to drain blood and discard it, allow the body to replenish and then repeat.

Now, consider history. I don't think this is the first time the population has been through something like this.

We need blood laundering centers.

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But doesn't the new blood the body manufactures become tainted as it mingles with the existing blood?  Does it even dilute the taintedness?

Other than unvaxxed people banking their own blood in New private blood banks, all donated blood is now tainted.  There are three blood substitutes created for people who eschew transfusions for religious reason or such.  

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@warped I don't know. It depends on what is in there, I suppose.  I hear about "microplastics", don't know what is true. 

I used to be a hardcore blood giver. I donated on a schedule for years and always felt it benefitted me. I quit when my blood tested positive for ANA (lupus).

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Also, my blood is no longer ANA positive. Don't know what to make of that. I've cut my plaquenil in half and would got off it, but I still get the lupus rash when stressed, badly.


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