
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Last year we purchased some land from the son of a friend in town, two parcels that my husband hunted on for about 12 years, with permission. The man died in 2022 and they’ve been hashing out the will for over two years. I don’t know all the ins and outs, and I think some documents were “missing”, some family (not immediate) were mad, blah blah blah. Anyway, the son inherited all the land and sold us two properties, per his father’s verbal wishes and is selling the family homestead and part of that land to his nephew (5th generation!), and keeping the rest. He lives out west. He came in town to visit his family, go through the homestead, finalize the sale.

He and my husband talk on the phone all the time but we’d never met in person. We had him out to our house for dinner on Friday then Saturday we drove him to the properties he sold us, as he hadn’t been on them in 45 years. The properties are on the other side of town where the family farmed them back in the day, then lease them to other farmers. You can only farm, hunt, do recreational things on it, not buildable.

So much fun! I know he’s Aquarius only because my husband mentioned my birthday awhile back and he wanted to know when it was and that his was in January, later than mine. It’s so funny to me to watch another Aquarius. It’s as if you can see a shadow of a holographic mind’s gears ticking. I didn’t talk astrology with him because it was two guys and a gal and the conversation wasn’t going there ever. But he was very solid and he was really into how solid and sturdy things are. My husband gave him a tour of the house and he loved the staircase (it’s just a normal staircase to me), solid. In the basement he loved seeing oir gym equipment because he’s kind of sporty and works out and loves to cycle and ski. He was really into how solid the basement walls are. And how sturdy my rack for lifting is, and in the cabin, he loved it. He did used to build things so I guess that makes sense.

I identify with that though 😒. “I am a powerlifter. You lift, too? Tell me everything about your entire lift of lifting, including every piece of equipment you have and its history.”

”I like weaving, knitting, and spinning. What is all that? Let me tell you entire fiber life story, every sheep I ever met, how every breed and animal is different, and about my weaving lessons, and let me tell you a story about how I got there.”

…and then the dinosaurs roamed the earth…

Anyway, it was a fantastic weekend of visiting.


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@allie120 you have a really interesting life!

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@elsa 😊 It is a good life 🙏

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@allie120 hell yeah!

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Right now, I can see why people won't open their minds.  All kinds of weird stuff can roll in, especially with Mercury squaring Uranus.

Now I have to discern; truth or fiction. Not fun. 

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@elsa I’m increasingly frustrated by what I see as obtuseness and lack of curiosity. I say this as someone who knows they aren’t the smartest person around and aware that I, too, don’t know what I don’t know. However, some stuff is just THERE.

But that sounds like a me problem:”I’m” frustrated by others when I can go look at something in black and white while others are telling me I’m not seeing the thing (that they aren’t even looking at or they’re looking at some fake thing).

Fine. There must be someone else out there in the void, too.

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@allie120 I am no longer frustrated, thank God.

I realized, via this site, it will likely take ten years before I am understood. I think that's average.  So I don't want to get wrapped around the axle about it.  I just have to move on.

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@elsa That’s a good headspace. I definitely appreciate what your insight and always feel 10 miles behind but I am intrigued by trying to see it. I’m ok with it until/if  I get to another place, another headspace. 

I do love when I hear something and I can say, I have no idea about this and I’m just listening and I don’t need to have a hard opinion and that’s awesome. And quite zen. I had an experience like that the other day and I was really loving it: making soup, hearing something potentially divisive (or so we’re told), and just thinking, oh, ok.

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I sent my son, my AI site... he recognized me, instantly. "That's an AI interpretation of you!"

Vicious. Outraged.

Satori is another person; she is inflamed over this. These people love me.

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@elsa I am, too! wtf

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@allie120 thank you.  They could easily, scrape and rewrite my entire site.. which is probably the intention.


I don't think very many people care how I feel. Which says a lot more about them, then it does me.

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@elsa True 😞

Sue Ellen
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@elsa I’m pretty pissed, too.  I didn’t click the link, but I bet it’s full of ads for someone else to monetize your name. 

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@sue-ellen It's worse. They've adapted by true, back story.

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@elsa it's bad enough that we have people in positions of power who built their career by plagiarizing others, but to profit off of virtual identity theft is horrendous.

Hades Moon
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@elsa It’s disgusting that they can get away with this. Adapting your back story? My gosh, this is so Wrong!

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@hades-moon it's an Italian chick, growing up en an enclave with her metaphysical grandmother.

Hades Moon
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@elsa Omgawd, what an obvious adaption!. They’re pathetic.

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My son's gf started baking bread... sourdough and also pizza. She's definitely got it!

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@elsa Gorgeous!!!! Fantastic job!

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@allie120 they are vegans.  But someone gave her some starter and she just took off.

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@elsa Beautiful!

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@elsa she's a keeper! 😀

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@tbb I think so, too.  They're very happy.

Hades Moon
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@elsa Looks fantastic!

Sue Ellen
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My sister, our cousin, and I had lunch a few days ago. I told a story, then remarked that I had a mouth on me back in my 20s. My sister almost yelled, “Had?? You’re worse now!!” I could only say the filters come off with age. 

I have Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter on my Ascendant. 

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@sue-ellen Mercury in Sag also has an optimistic outlook and are pretty joyful. Good jokes. Good time. Can ruffle a few feathers but usually mean well. The most fun I have ever had in my life is laughing with Sag placements. Way too much fun. That's why I married them.

Sue Ellen
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@soup I’m married to the Big Sadge, Sun and Mercury in Sadge. Our Mercury placements are only a free degrees apart.

And my sister and cousin are Virgos, born 4 days apart.  

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@sue-ellen I have two Virgo sisters 😳 and ever so often I say... you better go pick at someone else because you are far from perfect 🤣🤣 

We call them the nags! 🤣🤣 

1000 paper cuts but I love them...

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Just back from visiting the neighbor. Plan to go back in the morning.

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