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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Found out, the Blueberry Yogurt Queen from exercise class, used to LIVE in the little house that was on our land... but moved next door.

This house


That is the house, moved off our property, before our house was built.  The brother wanted it gone. The other brother wanted it and devised a way to move it (rails). That's the brothers there... 

Anyway, we were told, a family with six kids lived there... and unbeknownst to us, met one of them!  She's in her 90's, in an exercise class.

Apparently, she claimed this, but my husband was skeptical.  Sure enough.  They all know each other since they were born, one way or the other.

Maybe you have seen the house, in my garden pics.  The second brother, my garden buddy who passed, really fixed it up. People get married there, frequently. 

His picture on the wall (death notice) says, "Husband, Father, Brother, Friend" and he was that to a good many people, for a very long time.

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Hades Moon
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@elsa What a small world! . Amazing that you’ve met this

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@hades-moon the house is so very small. Eight people lived there! 

I will go take some pics tomorrow.

Hades Moon
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@elsa  Yes, 8 is a lot considering the house size! (you’d want to all get along 🙂).
Taking the pics will be interesting.

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@hades-moon they did a photo shoot with, General Lee, the Dukes Of Hazard car there,  and several music videos have been filmed there.

I have not been inside in awhile,  but they've had it, as it would have been, decorated with antiques.

The door is left open, cracked open, I mean. It's common knowledge,  it's available to everyone.  You can stop there for a picnic, and no one will bother you, 'cept maybe, Lila and Sparky!

My garden buddy, who moved the house, used to leave me stuff on the wood porch. I just realized, the gal from the class lived on our land. It's a trip. Now we have all these swarms of turkeys around. It's just this particular life, I guess.

On that note,  my husband was giving me advice yesterday, in the chance I end up in, x location in another life.

I dunno. I just think a person should do the best they can. So much can befall a person, it's not even funny.


Hades Moon
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@elsa Wow, this house has such a rich history. What a treasure!. If the walls could talk, there would be many fascinating stories shared. You’d probably feel some vibes/residual energy upon entering it.

I so agree with your last paragraph. We need to do the best we can. What can happen to any of us at any given time is mind blowing.



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@elsa That’s exciting! What a cool story!

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The ladies in my mother-in-law's place talked her into giving up the baby, she thinks she gave birth to, yesterday, for adoption. They had to give her a fake baby doll to cuddle and then let her come to see she's too old to raise another baby.

I'm in the shit here, people. As is my husband.

I am going back to my neighbor's tomorrow. I have no earthly idea what might be next.  My son and his gf is happy though. This means a great deal.

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Sue Ellen
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 That’s a good solution for the baby.

My grandmother, when bed ridden and senile, had “babies” in bed with her. Granddad finally talked her into “getting rid of them”. 

Sue Ellen
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And Grandmother replied to getting rid of the babies, “Don’t tell anybody.”

Maybe she thought they’d end up in jail. 

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I am so tired of looking at fake abs and tits, I cant tell you.

And cartoon asses.  What the hell?  

I miss seeing regular people, online, so bad.

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@elsa I miss walking around and seeing people my age with real faces and body parts. 🙁

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Big Sadge’s brother put a photo of his corvette on his Twitter profile (?). He’s getting lots of meet up invitations from women who have pics of their big butts. He doesn’t understand the attraction, the lure. If these women saw a picture of him, they’d not be interested in the 73 year old man.

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@sue-ellen ha ha ha ha!!

Hades Moon
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@sue-ellen 😄😄

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@elsa It’s so strange. Imagine being so online for so long that it warps everyone.

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@allie120 deeply, yes.

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"This was the best day ever. Met someone super special. She can cook authentic Mexican too. I think I'm in heaven can someone punch me in the face?! Lol. She said yes."

This is a young man. Makes me happy.

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@elsa lol I love it! It’s good to hear.

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@allie120 I like earnest young men, who get their courage up and go for the girl.

When they prevail, I'm ecstatic! 

You know how you hear, boys never ask girls out? The ones that do, are awesome!

Hades Moon
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@elsa @allie I wholeheartedly agree! I love those guys. They deserve a “yes” .

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@elsa It’s good to see these experiences amplified.

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Hospice nurse put neighbor on DNR status. She is on Morphine and Valium. They say she has about two days.

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Hades Moon
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@elsa God bless 🙏🏻

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@hades-moon thank you. Gives me heartburn to think about it.

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@elsa 🙏

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@elsa That is just so sad.

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@rusalka yep. Lost my garden buddy and soon, my cooking buddy.

Meantime, my husband,  i don't know.  Spectacular changes around here, I'll say that.

I hope the son moves his boyfriend in. I don't know what the hell, but he is a very good friend and I hope he keeps the house.

Not sure how he will react. He and his mother used to fight like hell.. father, loved by both, held the family together.  They had a time when he died, but ultimately pulled together.  He's been an exemplary sob. She acknowledged this eventually and they came to get along.

Son is top notch. He helps me, tremendously.  That's who you see on tge tractor around here. 


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@elsa It sounds like one of those situations where things finally started to go right for her and her son both, and of course that's when it's time for her to die. It must feel so unfair. This is my greatest fear now that I'm starting to pull my life together, and my parents are behaving more normally than not.

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@rusalka you will not regret reconciling with them. I think it's smart to be kind and people who can't forgive don't fare well with time. Old and bitter.

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@elsa I have. I talk to them regularly. They support me and my goals now. What it all boils down to is that they had raging PTSD from childhood and guess what? Having kids triggers that in a big way.

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@rusalka I'm sorry. I'm glad things are improving!

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@elsa Not trying to derail your thought or anything here, I'm just saying. I really feel for your neighbor's son. Her too, of course. But he's living my nightmare.

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@rusalka yes. I care for him a lot. I mean, we're friends for ten years. I am not sure how he will deal. He took his dad's death hard. Coped by honoring his wishes,  which were to take care of his mom!

I intend to assist him anyway I can. He's made it very clear he loves us. He's a complex dude. Sadge and Cap. But he's confided in me a lot over the years. He knows I'm here and safe and such.

Your parents may be fine you know. You sound a little Saturn in Pisces. Imagining the worst. I hope they’ll be fine for a long time to come.


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@elsa Poor babe. I'm glad he has someone like you around.

As for me. This is bigger than Saturn in Pisces, although that is all up in my guts right now too. I haven't had a remotely normal life or all the normal things people do, and that's not an exaggeration or me being dramatic. I survived all the worst, I always get just enough to get by, and I'm not ungrateful for this, but now I have to recalibrate to accept that things are OK for the moment and not be constantly bracing for the rug to pulled.

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@rusalka determining what you've got to do is way more than half the battle!

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