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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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How's this for a Pluto and a Uranus transit.

This is the dude who hired me... told me to make a recording, if I liked.

I recorded about five minutes for him, basically, "No, my guy!  Don't quit your job on impulse today."

This was all he needed. The crisis here astounding.

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"Allstate to increase home insurance rates for California customers by an average of 34.1%, per Bloomberg. The rate hike, which will take effect from November, will impact about 350,000 policyholder. Some customers will face premium increases of up to 650%."

::shakes head::

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@elsa omg

That could be prohibitive for many!!!

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@allie120 I'll say.

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That's insane!  34% would be bad enough, but 650%?!  No one with a mortgage is allowed to be without insurance, but most can't afford that.  Condo fees skyrocket, rents beyond reach, forced sales, foreclosures, horror show.  There should be a way to create an alternative network of the not-for-profit co-op variety to demolish the corrupt insurance cartel.  The industry as a whole is almost more corrupt than Big Pharms, which couldn't reap obscene profits if not for the insurers.

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Sept 1st through Nov 19th .... here we go again. Cardinal signs get ready. Last 8 degrees (and that is loose, prob more like 6) 

Hits my Rising/Dsc I might be under pressure to let go of things that do not serve ... again. Although I am mostly finished with this nightmare. It is a stretch.... hitting mine...  

Might end up the villain again in somebody's book but def the hero of your own. At any rate it's almost over. 

HERE WE GO.............. 


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@Elsa how many degrees till you feel a transit. A Pluto transit. I am exact on Venus right now. God, get this thing off me. I feel like I have been doing this for 100 years. The conjunction was never this hideous. 

How many degrees till you start to feel it. I know you said husband is 2 degrees Taurus ... can you feel it up to 5 or more? 

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Posted by: @soup

how many degrees till you feel a transit. A Pluto transit. I am exact on Venus right now. God, get this thing off me. I feel like I have been doing this for 100 years. The conjunction was never this hideous. 

How many degrees till you start to feel it. I know you said husband is 2 degrees Taurus ... can you feel it up to 5 or more? 

When a Pluto transit is felt is variable. Focusing on a pluto transit, five degrees out, is going to take your focus from other transits that need attention. More like 2-3 degrees.

On your transit, you fight it quite a bit. I would try to commune with the transit... when you're utterly in it, as you are now.


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@soup true

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@elsa sure is

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