
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

Posts: 195
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Can't stop thinking about the middle school teacher I once worked with who taught himself to read by listening to audiobooks while simultaneously reading the physical book. Where there's a will, there's a way.

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Hades Moon
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Posts: 484

@rusalka Yes, there sure is!. Having a strong desire or passion to achieve a goal is essential to achieving it. No will=no way.

Hades Moon
Posts: 484
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The Wizard Of Oz; Its been 85 years since its release! Where has the time gone?, I Loved this movie (still do). I had a black and white poster of Dorothy, Toto, the Lion 🦁, the scarecrow & the tin man, on the wall in my childhood bedroom. 
My cousin and I, whilst staying at Grandmas, would try and will the house to rise, and start spinning, to transport us to a magical land. 

It didn’t work 😀, but we gave it our all.

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"The Aspercreme years of your life".

Apparently, losing your wife (to divorce) in the aspercreme years of your life, is a special kind of pain.

Posts: 3775
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"There might still be an internet left outside of a few walled garden winner take all sites had the rest not become a wasteland of obscuring popovers, mandatory click throughs, ever larger & more intrusive ad display, & UI designed by the incompetent for the illiterate.?

JD Work (who may not be a person).

This is pretty much true.  You simply can't find options anymore.

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My husband doesn’t have much social media and he doesn’t go on blogs or anything. I think he has Facebook but he’s not been on in 15 years probably. So I don’t put many pictures of him out there. But here is good, I know.

Posts: 1019
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I had so much adventure this weekend. Nothing like skydiving or that lol. Just stories and gatherings and things. I will share them when I can (really they’re probably just “slice of life” things but maybe in an online world, the offline world is refreshing).

Also, I’m seeing topics posted in the forum and they’re so intriguing! But I’m retiring for the evening so, later!

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