
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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"Trust is for the birds! People are just like pigeons. They eat from any hand that feeds them."

What a line.

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And we do.  The global poison includes not only pokes but also produce -- most of what we eat.

We weren't wrong to say the pledge, sing the anthem, serve our country.  We were just too Trusting to realize sooner that the enemy we'd been told was "out there" had infiltrated and multiplied within, long ago.

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I was reading about lead in lunchables.  

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I spoke with my friend, the retired nurse with dementia.  She announced she had early onset Alzheimer's like I didn't know that.  She says her family is taking good care of her; she can no longer go to lunch because she's afraid she will pee on the floor.  She wants me to call her and chat. She said she falls apart between 5-7 pm and has to go to bed.

She can no longer cook, outside of maybe making a pot of coffee.

She's such a good soul. She says she feels fine until she tries to talk. Her attention span is reduced, due to stress of conversation but she still wants to have them.

This is like watching a person be eclipsed.

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Jardiance came on and my husband was nude, getting into the shower. He backed out and came and danced his part, naked. Lol

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa I thought of him the next time I saw the ad. But he wasn’t nude.  Next time I see the ad that might not be the case.

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@sue-ellen ha ha. He does it, full throttle. 💪 crisp movement, with dance face!

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We made out bi monthly Costco run and met one of my daughters and her family for lunch, went back to the campground , had a nap and went for a golf cart ride around the resort and talked to friends. The season isn’t official until next week, but we’ve been at this resort for 16 years and the owner likes my hubby and has no problem if we set up early. We needed this. Away from stress and living s bit silmpler. Even if for only a couple days a week. 

find your happy place and your tribe. People places and actions that make you happy will go a long way to relieving all the bad stuff. 

we  didn’t realize how much we needed this until we grabbed a beer and jumped into the golf  cart.

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@teresa-s this sounds terrific!

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it's so obvious but i dont really see it, but i noticed that i survived through trauma because i immersed myself in writing reading and drawing and later painting, but my favourite is writing, novels and living an imagination in my head. I was watching a clip of this show where this lady tattoo artist was interviewing many of her creative clients and how they had very traumatic and abusive upbringings plus lots of bullying in schools done to them, and they would fall in love with collecting art or comic books and drawing comic book characters and how it saved him, and the same with the tattoo artist who loves her craft and it saved her from trauma. Then i read about how art is a therapist, any kind of art. I remember reading how Van Gogh was diagnosed by people who studied him that he had a kind of schizophrenia or trauma, and how he just healed and healed himself through his paintings, going on and and on, and how he now heals others through his works because it brings joy to others.  This is also with musicians and any type of art. We're all kind of healing in some way and it's good to start children with some kind of creative craft, to heal their souls and minds. Life is hard enough already, and making beautiful art brings joy to the world. I think this might be attributed to Neptune, saving yourself through beautiful art. illusions and imagination.

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@elisa I love this. I'm working on a post about the hard core science/ psychology of this phenomenon. This used to be understood,  but it's no longer taught. 


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oh thats awesome. can't wait to read it and learn ^^ 👍 🌼  

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@elisa My husband's surgery is tomorrow so I will not be quick, but this is my next (difficult) thing to write.

I know there are a lot of people in this field who read my blog. I work with many psychotherapists and I think they'd be stunned at what was common knowledge, but is no longer taught and is rapidly becoming lost forever, or at least for a very long time.

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Best wishes for his surgery.

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@sue-ellen thank you!

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praying for his speedy recovery 🌻 🌺 

and please take your time 🙂 

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May God bless him with a full and rapid recovery. 🙏❤

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Keeping you and your husband in my prayers.

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@elisa I 'm in grad school right now for Special Ed. When I finish with this degree I'm going back for my MFA with a Severe and Profound endorsement. Ultimate goal is to be an art therapist for special needs people.

I also grew up as a competitive figure skater and taught the sport my whole life.

I've witnessed first hand the power of the arts (including martial arts) to reconnect and heal broken parts of the soul. Gardening counts too.

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I know I'm flying in the face of a society expected to be glued to their screens. Soul Retrieval.

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