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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Going back to the exercise class tomorrow.  Might meet the Blueberry Yogurt Queen, who was not there last time. 

I did not meet many, last time, because there were 20 people there,  instead of 4, which was the case when my husband went the first time.

I did meet one old gal, who shocked me. She said her husband died in 2021 from covid.

Something else happened to her. "I couldn't even climb in the back of my truck..."


She's also the one who wants my husband to shave. People are interesting.

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US federal debt is up $34 billion today. that's a third of Russia's annual military budget. IN A DAY.

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I renewed this domain until 2030.  Jupiter Saturn. Cautiously optimistic.

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Gym class was interesting. Turns out the gal teaching cut hair for, 50 years.  She also taught at the Y for 50 years! Prior to that, she went to high school in the building that is now the Y.

I'm thinking she's Fixed. Leo or Aquarius. Scorpio, possibly.

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I exited politics, four years ago. I don't think about it at all. In part, it's because I block all the names and terms.  Then today, I saw a sting of this stuff; my reaction shocked me. It was just like when I finally quit smoking. I have never once considered lighting up. 

Apparently, I quit smoking politics as well.  I was tripped out by this. I am really DONE, or done like dinner, as we used to say.

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That is interesting. I saw the opposite four years ago--people who were not politically involved got political. Maybe it is a Uranus flip the script not matter where you are kind of thing. 

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@jana I found out what was going on. Once that happened, I lost all interest.  But I am also trying to recover myself... going back in time to when I never thought about politics, which was my entire life, prior to 2006 or so.  What a waste of time and energy.

I'll never spend a minute more on it, just like I won't smoke again, either. I don't want hot smoke in my lungs, though I used to love it. I write this so if others are stressed by it, there is this option.

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I agree that it is a waste of time. I have just recently pulled away and feel much better for it. 

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@jana It seems you have to actively not be involved? Or mute the words. 

In real life, out among my neighbors and friends and family we rarely, if ever, discuss it. It’s nice because there are 10,000 other things to talk about.

I’m only vocal on one sm site. The others I don’t. 

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People ask about my husband... as I said, he has been dx'ed with heart failure, specifically diastolic heart failure / heart stiffening. There is no treatment. They manage symptoms, diuretic, mostly. 

He is not taking that, but maybe should be.  I am going to the doctor next week, for myself, routine, but I will quiz him as my husband does not report his symptoms. I think he is worse than he thinks he is, but conversations on this topic will not be entertained, by him. I don't push it, because there is no treatment, anyway.

So it's a matter of the stage. I think he is in stage three, which is dire, but I don't think he has that diagnoses so I have to talk to the doctor.

For the record, actual damage to the heart, plus active dysfunction = stage 3, from what I can glean from all sources.  He thinks this is an early stage and I have the doctor's notes... not sure if they are current. They say, stage 1.

He has his heart flipping around, daily, and the stiffening is documented, but mild.  He has other symptoms, I don't think the doctor knows of... so yeah. I need to talk to him and see exactly what he's thinking, as well as make sure he knows of the things I see, my husband leaves off.

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@elsa 😢 I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.

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@allie120 thank you.

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Both of my parents had congestive heart failure. So did an aunt. Two of them took oxygen. Mom didn’t, but she took diuretics. Her doc monitored her with a blood test for BNP. That may not be a suitable test for everyone. 
All three lived for many years. I hope the same for your husband.

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@sue-ellen I hope this is the case. His symptoms are concerning.

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@elsa My family has a history of heart disease. No one dies of cancer or other things although there have been accidents. But most all of them passed from heart disease. 

There were varying heart issues. Everyone had a pacemaker when they passed. Grandma on dads' side and dad passed from Congestive Heart Failure. Mom had a heart attack, a quadruple bypass and a pacemaker. Grandma a stroke. 

Great grands, same. on both sides. 

Everyone smoked at one time, mom till death. 

Parents lived well into their 80s. Modern medicine is quite amazing. I am assuming he is well into his 60s by what I read here. (retirements and whatnot) 

I know you are concerned and have every right to be. You love him and want him well. But if he will go to the doctor and do what they tell him to do, he will be around for a long time coming. 

I have a blood pressure cuff on my desk. I take my BP every day several times a day. I have the parents and the grandparents, so the genetics are there. My BP cuff cost 50 bucks at Amazon. It's auto and easy. Good to have. 

I don't smoke, but I did gain weight since the lockdown and all the change, and I have yet to get it all off so that is my issue. I HAVE to lose it whether I want to or not so that is why the meal prep way of eating now. 

I could drop dead tomorrow or live to be in my mid 80s or beyond like my family tree, who knows. I know I am at peace either way. But I say all this, so you won't worry. He needs to monitor his BP. He needs to eat accordingly and see the doc. They can really keep people alive for a very long time. 

I know you are worried..... sorry for that. I would be too. 

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@soup you don't understand. His heart is stiffening. There is no treatment or cure. The only question here is the stage.  There is nothing he can do to stop the progression. 

Roughly,  stage one would be five years. Stage three would be more like one or two.. though it's ultimately up to God.

I will hopefully know more next week and I'm hoping the news will be encouraging. If it is, I don't know if I will believe it. I live here and he is sick. I am concerned about organ failure.  HFefP.

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@elsa I don't pretend to know everything about heart disease. Especially 'stiffening' ... reading now. I see there is a lot out there. Interesting. Fam has had every kind of heart ailment. I have tried to keep up as this will probably be my exit out. Except this. No one has ever mentioned stiffening.  

I am sorry he is sick, Elsa. I know how much you love that man and that you are worried. I would be too. Fingers crossed and prayers up for any encouraging news next week. 


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@soup thank you. I have to talk to the doctor.  His symptoms beyond his malfunctioning heart are not nothing.  But his heart goes haywire daily and has for months. So these other issues stack up on top that. 

This is not from high blood pressure.  I know there is organ involvement.. at least one other organ, and it's been a problem for years.  I have tried to get help with this but nobody hears me. I have mentioned this - I read in a book from the 70's, how the spouse is the first to know about these issues.  Stunned me, because ive been talking to the doctor for years. Their education has been sabotaged. There is no other explanation. 

I have been on a private board for support for this for five years. Not heart disease. The first problem, that has now impacted his heart. 

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@elsa the one thing I do know is that you won't rest until you have answers, educated ones. He has the best advocate. So many people suffer without a spouse to speak on their behalf or even notice things they don't. You see with eyes he is not looking through. 

I have lived in some denial. But my husband is all up in it. Seems I took care of every living thing around me. Except me. 

I am so sorry he is going through this and sorry you are too. There is just nothing easy about growing older. I can attest to this firsthand. It's hard as F! 

He just set a treadmill up in the living room... and said... GET ON IT. I am living with someone who just will not give up on me. Just like your Taurus is. What a blessing. 

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@soup thank you.

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I'm so sorry for both of you.  I hope you'll also consult a functional medical or homeopathic or TCM doctor. 

Has he been checked for hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, or thyroid issues?  These seem to be primary causes and can be remedied and thus arrest the progression, though the stiffening can't be reversed.  There are surgical options for some varieties.  I worked with a man decades ago who had the palpitations, low blood pressure, syncope, etc though I don't know if this condition was his diagnosis.  I just checked on FB and he appears to be alive and well! Think positive!

Hades Moon
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@elsa So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers and well wishes for both of you 🙏🏻.

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@elsa I know I probably don't remember things riht, especially since I'm a bit drunk. But I think you and he were getting married right around the time  I found your site the first time. I thought this was a the greatest story I'd ever heard. I really have been thinking about you two and pulling for you all these years. I'm so very sad to hear he isn't doing well. I hope my spirit is there and helps you feel less alone in this, even though I cant possibly know what this is like. I'm also hoping and praying and manifesting that theres a third way and you get a lot of time with him, that the CHF isn't that advanced.

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