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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Radical thought, but original and probably correct. It just occurred to me, when talking to denamaria...  I think women will end up marrying each other - straight women, in order to share their social security benefits.

I'm talking about women who are alone / unmarried or widows. It will be necessary in order to (possibly) make it.

I would say the same about men, but women tend to outlive men... that's why this comes up.

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@elsa It's already happening. I saw it on the news recently. Don't remember the locale nor their names, but two straight, platonic women best friends married because they need the benefits and like being around each other.

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Two of my college alum friends have never married. One, a homeowner, has offered the other a place to live if rent gets too high. 
Marriage allows access to medical decisions among other advantages.

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@elsa That’s interesting. I feel like I’ve heard this before but not more than once. Or maybe I’m having my own personal Mandela effect. But this idea you posted makes sense.

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@allie120 My friend group has always discussed, 'Golden Girls" situations. Initially, it was, Ben's idea.   This is when he was thinking of coming here. 

A lot of people don't realize they can get their spouse's ss after they die, even if they are divorced.  denamaria didn't realize this, herself.  She was stunned when I told her.

Anyway, that's the context.  Prior to gay marriage being legalized, this was not an option.

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@elsa It’s definitely a game changer now that same sex marriage is legal nearly everywhere now (in the US at least). I can see this being a potential solution decades from now. We were always warned of SS’s coming insolvency. That and general inflation and economic collapse.

It was my understanding that my mother receives the portion of my deceased father’s SS, so this confirms it. 

Sue Ellen
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@elsa  When social security is received, total income is restricted in some cases.  My pension does not restrict my social security.

My brother began social security payouts when his work slowed down. Later, he started to work part time and went over his work income limit.  He had to pay social security back part of their check. 

My sister looked into drawing her deceased husband’s social security. She had to be 60 years old to draw on him.  She will be restricted to working 30-40 hours per month. She would like to continue working long enough to have payouts on her account higher than payouts on his account. She was told she couldn’t draw off both accounts. 

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My mother-in-law saw, Dora, today and was calling her over. For those who don't know, Dora,  was my husband's dog, who died about 12 years ago.

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When my mom was recovering from a heart attack, she was wheeled into a meeting with doctors, nurse, social worker to discuss when she'd be ready to leave the hospital.  She called out several times to Tootsie, my little white dog who had passed years earlier.  She also saw her long departed siblings in her room. But apparently they weren't ready for her yet.  She was transferred to an intermediate rehab for a week before going home, and lived another six months .

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@warped thank you.

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"I wish I were never in the military, though it's in my blood," my husband said.

"Hard to get away from your blood," I responded.

"Yeah, it is."

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I was thinking of some old astro dispatch astrologer... searched for one of them and found this, posted in May.

"I have developed completely unexpected major health issues. Looks like Uranus in Taurus is getting in one last punch before leaving my 6th House..."

She has a 29 degree Libra sun.

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa Pluto square transit.

Sorry to read this.

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@sue-ellen yes. Oddly, she did not mention that. Focus was on Uranus.

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Did you know, people had their entire immune system wiped out with covid (or vax, I don't know)?  There people have to get an infusion of immuno-whatever it is, from a group of people, every two weeks, in order to live.  I was unaware of this until yesterday. Talking to someone with firsthand experience.


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@elsa That's inline with the research Dr. Sabine Hazan has been doing on the jab killing the bifidobacteria in a person's gut. This is the "good" bacteria that eats the "bad" bacteria for a healthy microbiome.

Sue Ellen
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I thought immunoglobulin treatment for long covid was still in the research phase.

I had immunoglobulin shots back in the ‘60s as a hepatitis preventative when there was an outbreak in my area. Our well water tested clean.  

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@sue-ellen This person is definitely getting the treatment. I'm afraid I'm ignorant on the topic!

Sue Ellen
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@elsa I don’t doubt your word. And I’m certainly no expert. Thanks for saying something.

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All over the news... Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing from the sitcom Friends) (A Leo sun, rising sq Scorpio moon) 

Damn. Doc's prob going to jail for a long time over that. And from reading the texts and the information, rightly so. I grew up with an addict. She was vulnerable all the time. I was protective of her and knew to be even as a child. 

Looked at his birth chart. Damn. 

When will people learn that what they type into a phone, social media or electronic of any kind is forever. You can delete all day long... it's still forever. Good thing too... or they might not be held accountable. 



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