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Micro Expressions

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micro expressions

Micro expressions are facial expressions that occur within a fraction of a second. This involuntary emotional leakage exposes a person's true emotions.  

duping delight

I learned something new yesterday in regards to the micro expression tagged, "duping delight" or "liar's thrill".  This expression crosses the face of a liar when they feed you crap and you swallow it.

Here's the new thing I learned, which at the moment, I think is true: this micro expression seems to only exist in psychopaths so if you see it..?

What do you know about micro expressions?

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I seemed to catch on from an early age about micro-expressions, though I didn't know the term back then. It just used to fascinate me that certain people said something, but their face would fleetingly say something else and I soon learned which to trust.

I have seen that particular 'smirk' as on Hitler's face before, but not sure I could say they were a psychopath? I just saw it as a smug pat on their own back that they thought they had duped me? I'll have to think on that one.

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@plutolover I am pretty sure that most everyone was duped by Hitler (and still is).

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@elsa Not sure if you misunderstood me, or I think more likely my clumsy reply, I meant the smirk reminded me of somebody I knew, not Hitler himself.

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@plutolover oh!  Sorry, I misunderstood!

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I don't know - Hitler looks happy there. Like, just happy, to me. Maybe he's looking at his wife haha. I need context! What happened before this smirk?

He is one of those people who we project so much onto. He's only shown in certain ways. He was human, maybe crazy, I don't know. I feel like it's impossible to truly size him up because that whole time period was so propaganda based like it is now. But I can't say I've ever seen that particular smirk on him or anyone else (lucky me). I've seen it done by actors in movies though. Definitely a psychopathic expression - who would be happy in duping another person? 

I will add I can be naive (see previous sentence) so take that for what it's worth. Maybe there's far more evil in the day to day than I take notice of. Maybe I'm one of the easily duped. I wouldn't be surprised.

As for the other, more standard micro aggressions, I pick up on those A LOT. My ♋️ intuition.

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@dolce Poor choice of a picture, I guess.  But he duping people in that picture, 100%.

As I said above, people just haven't caught on yet. 

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@elsa eh, I don't know that it was a poor choice. I guess since he was a politician it would be par for the course that he was just lying left and right. This is just me now - skeptic about literally everything, even to my own detriment.

Anyway I don't watch the news much so I don't see this expression often, but I bet I could find it easily from any of our govt, or CEOs etc. I thought of Nixon first for some reason.

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@dolce It's deeper.

I am telling you this because you like to know things.  Now I will stop because this gets me in trouble!

::runs off to hide in garden::

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@elsa haha I do! I am grateful to you for it! Enjoy your garden 😊

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For another example, try Lance Armstrong... he duped the world.  And he still does, actually.

It's like gaslighting and next-level gaslighting that is layered.  As an example...

Interview a psychopath on tv and he mixes lies with truth about his murders and enjoys himself.  But what if the psychopath is actually an actor and has never committed murder in his life. This is next-level but there are other layers too. Three, four, five and more. So when a person like this experiences liar's thrill, it's far beyond what you may first consider.

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@elsa hello, spamming the thread 😄 I just find this interesting because I cannot relate at all, but I am starting to understand because of your explanation. I just figured they were all crazy or evil or both and left it there. But I can see the thrill someone could get out of it. Like a game. Like "wow look at all of you dumbasses, this is hilarious and I am profiting in some way."

Libra Noir
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I follow a few body language experts on youtube. It’s interesting and seems fairly legitimate. 

Sue Ellen
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Interesting. Thanks for bringing this up. 

Sometimes I can tell when I am being outright lied to, but not really knowing how.  Perhaps it was micro expressions that I was picking up without knowing that was it. 

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