This'll give you social anxiety!
Damn, all the responses are informative, interesting, and great! And some are new rabbit holes! Thanks!
I’m not against the use of plants and some psychedelics to assist people. But powerful forces demonize them, causing fear, redirecting attention to big Pharma or other messaging, obfuscating they uses, dosing, and how to be safe with them. In addition, I feel like there is a huge push by the state to throw all kinds of pleasure-seeking, anesthetizing, revenue-making things at us. The messaging is fucked up. On purpose.
I agree the majority of social anxiety that we hear about today is probably a shortcoming developed due to lack of real-world experience, due to reliance on screens.
But it could also be a trauma response. My MIL is a baby-boomer and she has really bad social anxiety. She is an adult child of an alcoholic. She can function perfectly well in her work which involves dealing with people face to face all day long. But when it comes time to socialize in groups, she gets diarrhea every time. She just started taking an SSRI recently and she says it's really helping with her stress levels. I'd guess that behavioral therapy would be even better, but that's her choice.
I had another girlfriend from high school who had the same problem. Both of them are people-pleasers, and they just have major trouble with relaxing in social settings.
Heard this tale... gal dying in the gym. Everyone stares. No one approaches her to help. People just aren't used to real life interaction.
It's like even in public, you're isolated. It's mindboggling to truly think of it.
I don’t think anyone is comfortable with strangers. Maybe we aren’t supposed to be. I don’t listen to the messages that say Im supposed to be comfortable with something Im not and that if I am uncomfortable there’s something wrong with me. That’s the age old thing that has been manipulated since civilizations switched to…whatever the system is now (it’s called the patriarchy but it’s more than that imo),”don’t listen to yourself, listen to us”. Plus, it pays to have us drugged up.
So my claim is that anxiety is a natural reaction to unnatural circumstances. Neuroses is modern, that’s something that’s been studied. I don’t think people have changed that much, so let’s look at what has changed- we don’t live in tribal family groups anymore- that’s a VERY big change, and now we are forced to interact with people we don’t know, on a daily basis.