crime scene

Is Psychopathy Inherited? Ask Someone Who’d Know!

Writing about how Psychopaths Can Hide In Plain Sight spurred a debate in the comments.  Some feel psychopathy is genetic. Others think otherwise. I think psychopathy is genetic. It runs in families.  I know this because it runs in mine.  It also runs in every other family with a psychopathic gene, I have ever known.


Interesting, Provocative, Outsider View On Marriage

My husband and I were talking to a gal we met, recently.  She a Virgo with a Gemini moon and Mars in Sagittarius squaring her Mercury, also in Virgo. She’s exactly as you’d expect. Smart, open and opinionated.  She’s in her early 70’s. She was telling us about her neighbors who were selling their big


How Psychopaths Are Able To Hide In Plain Sight

“…Some people can apparently see the energetic field surrounding and powering a human (aura, chakras). I can’t and although I wish I could, I have my doubts that it it could ever become a “learned” skill. I’ve often wondered if they can “see” who is a psychopath/sociopath based on their energetic signature…” Juli on Psychopaths

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fairy landscape

Astro Fairy Day!

Astro Fairy is a longtime client of mine. I’ve helped her with many different things over the years. She sees people struggling and she wants to pitch in by gifting a consultation to someone in need who can’t afford to pay.  She wants to do this once a month, for the dual purpose of helping you


Weekly Forecast: October 21-25, 2024 – Spooky Season Arrives

Monday’s Mercury ruled Gemini Moon squares retro Neptune in Pisces and trines the late Libra Sun before heading into its own rule in Cancer. Gut certainty may be obscured, but that doesn’t affect our ability to portray confidence. All day long, the mood is supported by Scorpio Mercury’s trine to retro Saturn in Pisces, exact

all dogs shine out

All Dogs Shine Out!

Pluto is about to leave Capricorn. I am consolidating my work product over the last twenty some years.  This means, I’m cleating out my hard drive and various backups. I came across this piece which made me laugh.  It was written in 2002, which means it’s never been on this iteration of my blog. All

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