Weekly Forecast: December 25-29, 2023 – Full Moon In Cancer Sextile Jupiter

xmas fireMonday morning, Christmas morning, the Venus in Scorpio, Pisces Neptune trine peaks as the Gemini Moon moves from a sextile to retro Chiron into a t-square with Mars-Mercury(retro) and Neptune. The t-square lasts all day.

The morning motive is SWEET. It drips with delicious nostalgia. Instead of simply satisfied, we’re satisfied with the exquisite pleasure of longing. It feels infinitely delightful to long for something beautiful and deep, something worthwhile and perfect.

As we make the transition from delicate perfection to the challenge of intellect and practical curiosity, it’s the grind of gears itself that presents the problem. Can you hold the ideal and the real in the same hand? Do your memories of the past allow for the realities and duties of present? Well, if you’re moving with the times and changing as you grow, YES, yes you can, yes they do. It is a challenge, tho. We’re up for a challenge, aren’t we?

There’s more than one way to feel, and that’s the precious piece. We’re not satisfied not knowing. We’re not satisfied without a clear course of action. But we can be satisfied by keeping that channel open and having faith we’ll find what we need when we need it.

Tuesday morning, the Gemini Moon conjoins Vesta, and Venus begins a sextile to Pluto (exact Thursday night). Continue in curiosity and double down on the desire that fuels it.

Then the Moon returns to Cancer, the sign of its rulership. The Cancer Moon trines Saturn then goes on to oppose the Capricorn Sun: the full moon. The Moon and Sun closely aspect retro Jupiter, a sextile and a trine. This full moon is both stable and good to go: well-formed and fated, and full of fuel. What ends goes out with a bang, like the strong but gentle pop on the cork of a good sparkling wine. Confinement is ending, the future is expanding. Tiny bubbles make a big splash, in the glass and in our lives.

Perhaps we’re emerging from our cocoon. In the wake of the full moon, Chiron stations direct. Fresh wings must be tested and exercised, but they’re ready to build strength.

Wednesday morning, the Sun perfects its trine to retro Jupiter and the Cancer Moon squares Chiron. There’s a certain amount of awkwardness that we feel in the implementation of a big change, but there’s plenty of momentum to shift that inertia.

Retrograde Mercury and direct Mars close their conjunction and cross by afternoon with Mars holding its square to Neptune through Thursday. The Cancer Moon goes on to sextile retro Uranus Wednesday night. Whether we’re taking first steps in the dark or not sure if we’re ready to go at all, intuition is key in decision-making. Inspiration arrives in the moment, on the fly.

Thursday morning, the Cancer Moon trines Neptune and Venus, a grand trine in water signs. It’s a peak moment of internalizing the connection between what we want and need and what the universe wants and needs… that we’re part of the bigger dream of a dream. The Moon goes on to oppose Pluto as Venus nears its exact sextile to Pluto, all in all a kite. What is our place against such yawning power? We’re part of it. There’s no need to be afraid, but just the same – it’s a lot. It’s okay to feel it, just don’t buckle under.

Evening takes the Moon into Sun-ruled Leo and a square to retro Jupiter (exact overnight). After such a heart-expanding experience, the ego will try to expand to match it. That’s not exactly what’s needed. We feel our way into the correct proportions and their meaning. If you go overboard, just laugh it off and have fun!

Friday morning, Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius, joining retro Mercury and Mars. The Leo Moon quincunxes the Capricorn Sun then heads into trine with newly direct Chiron (exact by night). A Sadge stellium fires up the head and heels and there’s a mixed drive to GO. How we feel about our supposed path depends whether or not we’re ready to do the work and climb or whether we’re ready to play. It’s not a foregone conclusion; one is not better than the other. What are YOU compelled to do? Is that what you’d normally do? Do what’s right for you as part of a larger universe, not because it’s what you’ve always done.

The Moon is full at nearly 5 Cancer with Jupiter nearing its station at 5 Taurus. Where do these hit your chart? How is your holiday going? May your days be merry and bright!

5 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: December 25-29, 2023 – Full Moon In Cancer Sextile Jupiter”

  1. Couldn’t be more content glamorizing the trailer and participating with a huge downed tree. We make the waste wood into biochar. We figured , over the years , how to containerize the heat in a barrel and a hot fire,clean things up for the owner, and get a soil ammendment for the garden. 10th house cancer and 8th house taurus 8 degrees away from my venus moon mutual reception. So that makes live interchangeably in both houses? If you can’t tell, the internet is my social outlet and I just interviewed a brilliant woman on a radio station. I learned how to upload and next I’ll learn how to put up some graphics. Enjoyhttps://odysee.com/@A.Sqirl:7/lynn-Ertell-Dec-23:e

  2. After doing the work, putting in the time and effort to be there for my baby the triple sag (who’s officially an adult now!!) as she went thru a truly challenging year; we end this year with this full moon exactly 1 minute off my 4 degree 57 min Cancer Sun. It’s a full moon with lots of support and I’m a full moon person natally, if feels super sweet to be ending our year together, happy and still moving forward in the best ways. We’re ending 180 degrees from where we started the year and that was worth all the effort.

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