Weekend Love Forecast – Significant Change

Looking at the sky this weekend makes me depressed. To be fair, looking at my life makes me depressed and looking at the real sky is the only thing that feels a bit better. BUT, who isn’t having a tough time, really? Let’s be clear, me saying all this is just a lark, because this is how life is these days. SO…

The astro-sky is changing gears this weekend, and the only way out is through. This is how it always is: we go up, we go down, we go up, we go down. We always come back up, even when it doesn’t look or feel as if we will. Hang in there. We’ve all got to hang in… Mercury in Capricorn chasing a wide conjunction with Mars: attitude and action, holding it together and climbing, one inch at a time. Make a commitment to make it work.

Venus at the end of Sagittarius makes no new aspects through the end of the sign. Sadge-ruler Jupiter is in Venus-ruled Taurus holding a long-term sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception (supportive), and Jupiter is well braced (not to go over the rails). We want more than we’re getting. We hope for more. Hope is realistic, but maybe what we’re hoping for is not what’s actually going to be the way it goes. A little faith goes a long way, even just something like, “I don’t know how, but I believe it will work out.” Cool your jets. It’s okay to want to be okay, to have something more. Freedom is a worthy goal.

Mars continues to move into square with Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries. We’re still training up, and that’s going to mean a few bruises. That’s what learning does sometimes. We still have to go at it the right way and figure out what’s possible. Mars also heads into trine with retro Uranus, so it’s time to experiment. Try something different, or try something different again!

Friday night, the Taurus Moon sextiles Neptune and quincunxes Taurus-ruler Venus. It continues on in trine to the 29 degree Capricorn Sun and Pluto, exact early Saturday. If you want to feel better, take a pill. If you want to BE better, open yourself to change.

It’s intense, but the impact you feel is determined by your orientation to reality. It could also be intensely pleasurable. It could be just what you need. Don’t lose sight of your limits. This mood also contains the ability to sweeten your experience naturally.

Saturday morning, the Taurus Moon trines the Sun and Pluto then heads into Mercury-ruled Gemini. The Sun perfects its conjunction to Pluto and immediately moves into Aquarius. We’re meant to get curious about the greater scale of our place in the whole darned thing. The mood makes that possible and likely.

Saturday afternoon, the Gemini Moon squares Saturn then heads into quincunx with sign-ruler Mercury. If we don’t slow down to check ourselves and center reason, friction will slow us anyway. Stay emotionally nimble. Irritation is possible and likely. However, curiosity, tenacity, and an open mind can take us in another direction. By evening, Pluto makes its move into Aquarius.

Sunday’s Gemini Moon starts out in square to Chiron and makes its way into a wide, nighttime t-square with Neptune and Venus. Stay in the mood of a hungry mind, and actively look for the next logical step. Are you worried that what you’re seeking eludes you? It’s an illusion that’s unhelpful. Trust that what you need eventually comes. We go up, we go down, we go up…

I don’t know about you, but I need to lie down. It’s a lot, but we can handle it. This is LIFE. Substantial changes can be uncomfortable and challenging. We’re feeling the rumblings of such. Do you have any weekend plans?

8 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Significant Change”

  1. This is going to sound really mundane and small-talky, but I’ll be decluttering a few things this weekend 😂

    Busying myself with cleaning and tidying up, not grand, but maybe subconsciously getting ready for the new energies about to be heralded in? Allowing the fresh breeze of whatever newness to come in.

    February is set to be a Brave New World theme, what with all the activations to Pluto, and with Pluto zooming ahead into uncharted territory (on 1st Feb, Pluto will cross the degree it went retrograde last year: 0°22′ Aquarius). It will reach 1°Aquarius already by end of Feb!!

    Thanks for the write up, been looking forward to reading it 🙂

  2. This is so good. My 3 favorite lines that I’ll try to keep in mind this weekend:
    * A little faith goes a long way, even just something like, “I don’t know how, but I believe it will work out.”
    * If you want to feel better, take a pill. If you want to BE better, open yourself to change.
    * I don’t know about you, but I need to lie down.
    Great stuff!

  3. LOL, the night between Friday and Saturday, I had trouble sleeping. Probably die to this shift in energies.

    The anxiety was massive, there was a need to clear the air after a fight, and afterwards, when we tried to sleep, we couldn’t. So, my partner got up and asked “Do you want an aspirin?”

    Sometimes taking a pill for your headache will also help you sleep. So, we did. I didn’t sleep until an hour later, but at least my headache disappeared!

    Tech has been wonky today. My head hurts. It’s heavy. My heart has been beating abnormally fast, perhaps my medicine has a strange toll on my body today.

    Aquarius Ascendant around 1-2 degrees of Aquarius. I am looking forward to the shift in energy!

    (My keyboard actually just suggested “Awesomeness” instead of Aquarius… It never does that. Would that be a cool sign or what!)

  4. Ended up decluttering half the house in the end. Found stuff I didn’t even know I had needed to declutter, and I tackled the dreaded “scary kitchen drawer” too

    Everyone has one of those, the drawer labelled “miscellaneous”. It’s a rather Plutonian drawer, you never know what lurks there amongst all the leads and cables, bulbs, bits of string, nails, etc.

    Feeling much lighter and cleansed for it though, ready for whatever Aquarius new beginnings comes along 🙂

    Although I do feel rather unsettled today, like I know that some event or events are brewing, but I don’t know what.

  5. I do know the pleasure that comes from clearing ‘that’ draw Mermaid. And l think it is a Plutonian thing too, esp.if you have Pluto in Virgo. I have 4 draws to go through, after the hot water service installment…nails, screws, old tools, yes,and found lost things too. ‘Sorting’ made me think of the
    myth of Psyche and Eros and the tasks. Cinderella sorted the grains too with animal helpers…and the alchemical process ‘Separato’. Weighing up what is of value. Sorting. Seperating out. Disgarding. Discernment.I have been feeling unsettled too. Unmoored. Thanks Mermaid. I know what job to start today. It with give me some focus (l hope)

    1. PS. No draws got sorted today But l might have finished a poem…and a drawing
      Title:’ To be in another’s thrall’ feels like old business … weird day all round.

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