Weekly Forecast: March 11-15, 2024 – Alice In Piscesland

venus marsThe week starts out with the Moon in fiery, cardinal Aries: first in everything, action oriented, ignition turned. Monday’s mood is consequence and improvement oriented with a conjunction to the north node and Chiron. What do we DO in response to our environment? Are we learning or just moving on to the next thing? Follow through satisfies.

Monday afternoon, Venus leaves airy Aquarius for watery Pisces and the still swirling stellium of Saturn/Sun/Neptune. Yearning seeps in, and the aesthetic softens.

All week long, the Pisces Sun moves closer into conjunction with Pisces-ruler Neptune. Coming as it does on the heels of a new moon, this building connection allows for natural flow in the creative process of our current chapter. We’re on the path, but the path is everywhere. And sometimes it’s nowhere, invisible (and yet we’re on it). How essential is that when we sometimes need to be missed by the crowd in order to receive our own essential calling.

Tuesday morning, the Aries Moon sextiles ruler Mars in Aquarius. YES! Allons-y! Mercury is also in Aries now, so let’s follow our nose (and all our senses). A plan is quick and responsive to conditions, and the feet that follow are pumped and zippy. A novel stride! The trick is to GO, action fills in the spaces and finds the perfect pace. It feels good.

All that Pisces loves a random ramble too. Allow yourself to imagine as you go. Weave a shimmery aesthetic through the mix.

Tuesday afternoon, the Moon moves to Venus-ruled Taurus and a square to Pluto. It goes on to sextile Venus by nighttime. That can very much be “good trouble”, particularly if it’s good trouble you’ve decided to look for. Keep that in mind. Pisces Venus may be far less picky, so let Aries Mercury drive the decision-making. Venus presents the options, Mercury chooses. That way it’s fair (and oddly enough, more satisfying.

Wednesday morning, the Taurus Moon sextiles Saturn and conjoins Jupiter, highlighting the ongoing (widening) Jupiter-Saturn sextile. Optimism and skepticism are a great team, particularly when we are dreaming up a new dream. This gives “pushing boundaries” in a way that is both safe and delicious. A little taste will tell you a lot.

On Thursday, the Taurus Moon starts out in conjunction with Uranus, it then squares Mars and sextiles the ongoing Sun-Neptune conjunction. The morning sparkles, possibly in a way that’s disorienting; so take a moment to pivot in place. If not, spin and see some stars. Remember when you were a kid? Losing touch, losing your place in space… lets in whimsy and creative imagination. Dance yourself onto a new track.

Thursday night, the Moon moves to Mercury-ruled Gemini and a trine to Pluto. Depth in the air? The power of mind-flight? Impressive mood acrobatics are likely. And fun! So not boring! Plan a sight-seeing trip through the underworld. Take a friend.

Friday morning moves the nimble Gemini Moon mood into square with Venus. Too many choices! Choosing is confusing. Nothing’s quite right, or everything’s too right. The Moon then opposes Pallas Athena in Sagittarius, a wide t-square with Venus: Ultimately you’ll know what you “ought to” choose (or what you usually choose), but you’re still stuck with making that call. It’s also possible some will pass that choice off onto someone else.

By afternoon, the Gemini Moon sextiles ruler Mercury and squares Saturn. No matter who chooses or what are the options, we still have consequences. So make sure you vet those choices well. Measure twice, choose once. With Aries Mercury, make it quick.

What’s with all the choices talk? There’s satisfaction in it. The drive is physically invigorating and mentally stimulating… in a tingly feedback loop. All the crisp, take-charge thinking leads to novel action and a healthy, happy mood. Slowing down is pouty, so be ready to pivot.

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