Pluto in Aquarius Positives

aquarius water bearer flowersWe’ve had a fair taste of Pluto in Aquarius. Have you noticed anything positive?

I’m aware of the power of detachment. The machine churns on, but you can separate yourself. Take some space! This includes, withdrawing from the internet.

I have also found myself, using breathing techniques which has never been a thing for me. It’s the AIR and specifically, fresh air rather than toxic? I focus my breathing, to exit a bad feeling state and enter a better one. I’m learning to also calm my mind in this way.

I’ve always valued individuals; iconoclastic types. People (and bots or AI), with this quality are around now, supplying prompts. It’s raw material for the intellect. If you try to do something with it, you probably can. I’m talking about in an 8th house / Pluto / Scorpio way. These tidbits get my brain, pregnant.

This also tied to incubating ideas. It’s an alchemical process where you boil down the raw material to come up with something of value.

Last, the power of the intellect is evident. Humanity is rapidly transforming.

What do you see?

10 thoughts on “Pluto in Aquarius Positives”

  1. I agree, with almost everything you said, Elsa. For me personally, Pluto in Aquarius is Trining my Natal Mercury at 0 degrees Gemini, entering my sixth house. My daily life is changing for the better, after decades of difficulty……..depression and anxiety, etc. I felt unhealable. I am now healing! 💜

    1. That’s fantastic turtle! Decades of anxiety could have diminished your power to heal, – but you have recognised a better way for yourself. I hope you enjoy life, going forward.

  2. I made a phone call to my past life and heard the voice of a lifetime of stifled reality. No judgments. Acceptance and gratitude. Thirty years nearly, a retrofit to my gateway forward.

    This feels like freedom, sovereignty, Pluto with a water jug to put out old grudges and flush the drain, like draino but with baking soda (less toxic:)


  3. I’m not even going to address this in the mundane, just personal.

    What scares me, I know that my career and the persona connected to it will change. I also will lose many people I care about. Pluto may be changing things, but it’s not just about Pluto, everyone around me has their own timelines to travel. There is no illusion of being able to control what happens.

    What is intriguing? What I can do, what are the possibilities and what bumper pads are out there to help me. Pluto is going to be in the same 6 degrees for a long time. Looking at my ephemeris for the next four to five years it will stay within orb pretty much (I consider 5 degrees orb for Pluto reasonable) of a Semisextile to my natal Saturn (1 degree Cap) in my third house (communication) and opposition to my MC (0 degrees 42 min Leo). Finally about the fifth year it will get close enough to my natal Sun and Mercury ( both 12 degrees Leo)to start affecting those planets. I’ll be 65 this August, I know retirement will come eventually. One way or the other.

    Renaissance? Second act? Communication? I love to write and I’ve been learning more and more about some of my more interesting ancestors. I’ve wanted to write novels about them for years but have never found the time between work and family…. Can this be the out? Hmmm possibilities. ( I think I’ll do it analog and buy an old typewriter)

    Back to what scares me….. my hubby has Pluto transiting his first house and Uranus is sitting on his IC in opposition to his MC ready to upset the apple cart of our fourth house. 😳I get a feeling the next few years could be interesting if nothing else!

  4. Not being powerless anymore, in concern with authority figures perhaps.

    Knowing my own feet.

    Knowing I have done all I could possibly do whilst he was in my 12th, and worked on all my ancestral fleabags of issues.

    Now he is breathing in air, and I am so done taking everyone else’s sh*t and carry it for them … Getting rid of the responsibility in regards to my drunken, narcissistic dad who is now in the local caretaker’s hands after he demanded my attention once more in December by refusing to eat and demand that I bring him food, instead of accepting the offer of a daily food delivery (a public service).
    Simply to force me to take action so that he can spend his money on alcohol while others bring him food (he won’t have to pay for).

    No way, José.

  5. i was more positive trying to get of the depression/restrictions/businesses failing/rebirth of pluto capricorn but now with pluto aquarius, more mental illnesses are shown and many things are being exposed. Now i dont know if thats a good thing but with pluto its good to excavate whats gross and put it out into the light and heal these deep wounds. there’s that last call of pluto capricorn coming up in september, but only for less than two months. I dont know what the retrograde pluto aquarius will bring.
    i’m gonna look at this as a positive because i have to be ready to confront all the mental illnesses that were in both sides of my family. a long long list, the ones who dont seem to have any mental illnesses and are living good lives are those in healthy environments and less toxic living. It helps to live in a world devoid of toxicity and pain, to heal the mental illnesses. I will be taking less physical responsibility for my elderly parents in the coming months as i’ve set up live in caregivers to stay there free. It’s still in the beginning process. I’m still working on taking care of the mountains of hoarding and mice infestation that came with the hoarding. and the caregivers that will stay; they will still be working other jobs, and there’s other caregivers coming in and out plus hospice. I’m going to have more responsibilities at home where i belong with my husband and my son; but that’s going to be later in the year. So much work to do and paperwork too as well as physical work.

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