Pluto Transit To The Moon – Mine: Besides The Bomb That Went Off In Here…

kitchen-pipe.jpgBesides the disaster that is this house at the moment, the soldier has the kitchen pipes dismantled which is textbook Pluto Moon.

When Pluto was stationing in aspect to my Moon last time, my ex, the AMF with his four planets in Scorpio came by and tore out my entire kitchen. He stripped it down to the bare walls and one pipe sticking out from the wall. My entire kitchen sat out in front of my house for a week waiting for pick up… a purely Pluto Moon experience.

He then rebuilt the kitchen and he did a great job. He had no problems save that one pipe… the drain pipe this is which for some reason was placed high when it should be placed low.

This is a problem because water runs downhill not up and there were only two choices.  He either had to make it work (it had been made to work before) or bust through the exterior wall of the house and redo the plumbing. He chose the latter and it’s been fine up until recently… up until Pluto turned retrograde.  At that point  the garbage disposal broke and I started having back flow problems so now what?

Well I’ve been living with it awhile because I knew the soldier would be here soon and could fix it for me. Much better than having some man in the house (personally I hate that because there is always a charge).  But anyway he’s in there now fighting that pipe and I am just here to say you almost never hear of someone with a Pluto transit to their moon who does not have pipe problems in their house. This has got to be one of the most predictable things in astrology.

Are you comfortable with workmen in your house?

13 thoughts on “Pluto Transit To The Moon – Mine: Besides The Bomb That Went Off In Here…”

  1. Avatar
    Strawberry Fields

    No. But then I’m not comfortable with ~anybody~ being in my house. Not even friends or family. (Actually, probably more comfortable with ~strangers~ being in my house.)

  2. yeah, when my male ex-army roommate is around 😛
    as long as i get to stay in my room and pretend there isn’t a stranger in my house….

  3. Mildly uncomfortable with a man I don’t know in my house but I can talk “guy” pretty good. Also usually watch what they are doing and generally do all I can to let them know I’m paying attention to what they’re doing.

    Mars/Mercury in Scorpio . . . usually on the suspicious side. ::smirk::

  4. Are you comfortable with workmen in your house?

    I *AM* the workman in my house; so I hate it when somebody else does it because I know they’re gonna screw it up and charge me extra for it.

    He had no problems save that one pipe… the drain pipe this is which for some reason was placed high when it should be placed low.

    Somebody screwed up to begin with. Which is why I don’t like having workmen in my house; professionals frequently aren’t.

    He either had to make it work (it had been made to work before)

    When your whole kitchen is out on the lawn, and you’re spending all that money it makes sense not to try and do everything at once.

    or bust through the exterior wall of the house and redo the plumbing. At that point the garbage disposal broke and I started having back flow problems so now what?

    Yeah, my grandmother’s incoming water for her toilet finally rusted through at one point, so I had to shut the whole house down and re-weld a new set of valves to the incoming pipes AND replace the entire toilet while I was at it. But after that it worked great!

    So, fix it right this time, and never have to deal with it again.

    [‘This has been your Saturn in Virgo moment.’]

  5. Well, Pluto is transiting my moon and we’ve had to have the drain worked on once, but I live in an apartment and this place was built in the 20-30’s so I suppose that isn’t too bad. Oh, we also had a leak come down from above us into the bathtub. This has been over at least a year though. Not as dramatic as having to have the whole kitchen removed 😉

  6. In late 2006 the old house I was renting basically exploded. The old pipes froze, then burst. It was a huge mess.
    Frankly, I would’ve preferred a professional workman! Instead I got my 75 year old disabled landlord (he only has one arm) who was stubborn as shit insisting that he ‘fix’ everything.

    3 months later I was still stepping over buckets and thus moved. Cripes!

  7. No i don’t like workmen who come over to the house. It is always a little weird as elsa was saying. As for plumbing, yeah, got ongoing problems with the plumbing at our house, pluto moon, and eighth house live here. I guess this is just somthing i’ve learned to live with.

  8. I have natal Pluto square natal Moon. Clogged sinks, noisy toilets, dripping showerheads, slow-draining bathtubs–constant issues my entire adult life, but most noticeable during that long period when Pluto was in Sagittarius, squaring and opposing most of my planets. I had no choice but to call in workmen during the years I was divorced but now, glory be, I have a manly man who does all this stuff for me. Could it be that his Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Capricorn sits in my fourth house? He fixes my place and brings me domestic happiness.
    I didn’t mind having workmen in my home except for one guy who totally creeped me out, but minded the huge repair bills!

  9. haha…yes, I’ve had the plumbing issues with pluto moon too. Dripping showerhead, slow drains, leaky pipes. Had maintenance take care of it asap, no problems yet. Don’t like strange people in my place, but sometimes you have no choice

  10. Wow I totally forgot I have Pluto square my moon natally and when I think about it I have always had pipe problems. Toilets, drains, taps always need fixing or go funny all the time. In fact the last few months the one of the toliets is playing up.

    I dont really like workmen in my house. I like the idea of a sexy workmen fixing things (Mars/Neptune)but in reality (Mars trine Saturn) it can sometimes make me uncomfortable only for the fact Im not sure if I should offer them a drink or food while they’re woking & if I do will they get the wrong idea, me being a young girl and all. At the end of the day I’d like to fix it myself & Im sure I could I just cant be bothered.

  11. Water issues, tell me about it!

    Last night my washer started leaking water all over the garage, basically flooded into the street. This morning I come into work and some pipes burst on the floor above us so portions of our ceiling came crashing down and there is water everywhere.


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