August 2007

Taurus Memory and Attachment To Things

The soldier talking the other night when we got together for a few hours… “I miss your makeup, P. Your case I mean.” “What makeup case?” I asked. “The one you had sitting in the bathroom in that first apartment when we were kids. It was huge! It was big and round. It was cylinder

Mars symbol

Voice of Mars Regarding His Feminine Side

“Yeah, you have some fans on my blog now. They like you. One gal even said, oh my heart, about you. Oh. My. Heart. It was very sweet. They think you’re attractive.” He laughed. “Well that’s good. That’s real good but I bet you didn’t tell them about all the hair on me. If they


Venus Saturn in Love… And The Three Little Pigs

Saturn is exalted in the Venus-ruled sign, Libra so it does not make sense that a person with Saturn in the Libra-ruled, 7th house is going to go begging for love. The problem is in how love (Venus) is defined (Saturn). Take the story of the 3 little pigs. So what if you can throw

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capricorn vintage card

Commitment-Phobic Capricorn Woman Struggles in Love Relationship: Venus in Aquarius, Moon Conjunct Uranus

Dear Elsa, I’ve been traveling and decided to come to a certain city because of a man I met through an online group. We hit it off on e-mail and he persuaded me to visit this beautiful city… in the last three weeks of knowing him, we’ve not left each other’s side (well, to work

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