December 2007

Pluto card

Does Your Life Have Meaning?

 Friday, talking to the soldier with Jupiter conjunct Pluto… “It wouldn’t do anyone any good to have you die, P.” I didn’t answer because I was stewing, deeply. “P?” “Yeah, I’m here,” I said. We were on the phone. “I am not worried about what is good for other people,” I said. “I do too

41 Year Old Single Mother, Aries Hottie And Her Sagittarian Man

Hi, Elsa. I am a divorced (as of four years) single mom of one eight-year-old girl. I’ve been dating a Sagittarius (Moon and ascendant in Cancer) for about a year and a half. We’ve had our ups and downs over the past six months, mostly due to my anxiety that this relationship isn’t headed anywhere,

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Astrology And Adoption

Dear Elsa, In looking at my children’s charts I noticed that each one had some of the same themes as mine: the same conjunctions, the same packed house, the same aspects between certain planets. Then I looked at my mother’s chart and found the same thing. Does this always happen? Do you think it would

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