November 2011

Old astronomy poster

Saturn, Karma and Consequences

I have a friend who is cautious because whenever he tries to shirk anything, he’s typically caught and the consequences are generally severe. I, on the other hand, get away with almost everything.  When I am caught the consequences are what would be expected some of the time,  but frequently they are light and even […]

rape of prosperina

Venus Conjunct Pluto – Kiss Of Death

Venus with conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This is one hard core deal. Venus rules love and money.  Pluto is concerned with power, the shadow of the collective, sex, exchange of energy, death, the unconscious and all things unfathomable. Capricorn is concerned with status and security, reality, integrity and karma.  When you combine these things, you

A Lifetime Of Guilt

Do you feel guilty? I know of someone who is wracked with guilt and has been for years.  I struggle to understand this. If you feel horrible about something, why not address it?   Why spend ten or twenty years, guilt-ridden when you can just pick up the phone or drive across town or whatever it


Stubborn & Bitter Until The End

Have you ever seen a person die bitter? The person may refuse to let a certain family member see or speak to them during their last days, knowing damned well this will inflict pain upon the person. In other cases, it may be the person who is not dying that does the withholding by refusing to

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