January 2014

Saturn in Scorpio For Aries

“…you have Venus in Aries which is inclined to start things and then lose interest. But you also have Saturn aspecting Venus.  Ultimately if you don’t learn to commit, you are going to feel bad about yourself.  It’s a lack of discipline, see? Take Venus in Aries as a soldier. Do you quit the first […]

Soulmates, For Real

Recently I worked with a sensitive young woman who was dating a new man. While she liked him a lot, she was not sure that he felt what she felt. She was shocked (but laughed) when I told her that I was sure he was not feeling what she felt! I also said that I


Things that make you insanely pissed off

“Is this the hill you want to die on?” “Choose your battles.” Those phrases are commonly used these days.  They have value but I want to take a deeper look. The things that irk my husband and cause him to react are rarely things that irk me.  Many things that infuriate me don’t bother him

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