July 2017

Vintage zodiac wheel

Learn Astrology The Easy Way!

People want to learn astrology, but they don’t know where to start. Start with your own (natal) chart! Get an inexpensive Natal Report.  This will tell you what you should be noting in your chart. This is from a sample report:

Mega Capricorns Born In 1990, 1991, And 1993

There was large stellium in Capricorn between 1990-93.  Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were all transiting the sign. The faster moving planets joined them at various times. Consequently there are people out there with their Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all in Capricorn. Some of them happen to be Capricorn rising as

Women, Aging And Attractiveness

“There is a point every woman comes to eventually,” I told a friend. “It’s when you look in the mirror and you know you’re not going to be able to rely on whatever it is you’ve been relying on. You’ve got your game down and let’s say your looks have something to do with it

High Price Of Safety And The Icky Feelings Lurking In Your Subconscious

This is one of those risky topics. It gets into people’s un-comfort zones. Fact is, you’re uncomfortable whether I say anything or not. You just don’t know it. If your icky feelings are subconscious, this does not mean they don’t exist! The stuff that lurks deep in your psyche drives your behavior. It manifests as

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Astrology Of Artist’s Model & Muse: Jane Morris

I chose a portrait of Jane Morris for the last post dealing with responsibility.  She was born, October 19, 1839. Jane Morris was the model and muse of various artists, including Dante Gabriel Rossetti.  She’s the model featured in this post. She was also the model for his painting, Venus Verticordia. You see that image on

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