May 2023

Lecture #6 Case Study: Meg Ryan’s Chart

Finding Love With Astrology – Master Class Section 2 – The Thrill Of The Chase Lecture #6 – Case Study – Meg Ryan Case study of a Marsy personality…   Is Mars strong in your chart?  Can you relate to the thrill of the chase? Skip to Lecture #7 The Secret To Solving Thrill Of […]

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Lecture #4 How To Open A Closed Mind

Lecture #4 Sorting it out and applying these ideas. End of Section One. Can you see where you may have some wires crosses, when it comes to partnering? Skip to Lecture #5 Why Some People Like To Chase And Be Chased Even If It Ends Badly Access class playlist.

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Choosing To Be Anti-Social

I coved this topic eight years ago.. I’d like to take another look at it because in 2023, many people have adopted this mindset. They choose to isolate themselves. ~~ I wrote this as a follow up to Why People Fail To Make Friends Or Find Love. Reading the comments and some of forum discussions

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