December 2023

Roman legion

Past Lives: A Conversation

I used to write dialogue from my life. I’m going to try this again… I spoke with, Jilly, before my husband came home from taking care of his mother.  We were talking about she met him. This would have been about twelve years ago. She walked in the room to meet him and he looked […]

warrior painting

Past Lives: War & Peace

There seems a lot of interest in past lives.  I have pieces of my story all over this site. This past lives deal has come a number of times over the years. I thought I’d look for something cohesive. It does not exist so I will create. My husband and I met when we were

neighbor fight

Chronic Problems With Neighbors

Hi Elsa! Mars & Neighbors. I have Mars in Cancer, 2nd house, one degree before the third house. It’s in opposition to my Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Trine Pluto and N. Node. Everywhere I move to there are problems with neighbors. I’ve moved ten times in eight years. I’m getting tired of moving. Is there


Akashic Records

I posted my whining about Past Lives.  This resulted in reader hooking me up with a gal who reads Akashic records? I’d heard them; that’s about it. I was definitely curious and had confidence in the reader because of the person who recommended her but also because she’s been doing this as long as I’ve

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