All Planets Direct For Three Months In 2023

2023 clusterWhen planets are direct, things move ahead.  When all the planets are direct, things move quickly as there’s nothing dragging. You can really surge ahead as the forces are with you.

I first covered this in December, 2022. We’re roughly halfway through this period. It seems a good time to check in, especially with six planets changing signs this month. My point with that is we’re on the move!

All the planets have been direct since January 22nd, 2023. This scenario will be maintained until April 21st, when Mercury turns retrograde. We had a similar situation in 2022. I called it, “frustrating”, because while all systems were set on GO, the planets were clustered together. This limits a person in another way.

It’s the same this year.  On one level, it’s open road!  But you don’t get fat without running into some type of tether.  If you’re raring to go, but unable to go far, things can easily twist up on you.

Transiting planets energize the affairs of the house they running through.  Most people have three or four houses affected at this time… the same three-four hours for months and months and months.  It’s quite hard to exit your particular cage.  Consequently, it’s all systems, go but go where?

There’s a lot of talk of being “stuck in a matrix”. The concept has merit, astrologically due to the bunched up planets.  Still, if you are looking for a time to put a metaphorical seed in the ground, and see it take off, this is a good window to consider.

Here’s more on the cluster situation:

So how is it going? How is this manifesting in your life?

I am primarily aligned with Mars in Gemini and this blog is energized. How is it going?  Rocky!

What about you?

13 thoughts on “All Planets Direct For Three Months In 2023”

    1. Sorry! I mistakenly deleted the graph with the date while editing.
      January 22nd, 2023 through April 21st.
      The planets are shown in the pic. 🙂

  1. If I’m reading the signs right, it’s from Aquarius onto Taurus?? If so, that’s 5-8 house exactly as it shows in the photo.
    I want to find new work honestly.

  2. This will be in my son’s Solar return in the eastern hemisphere. Considering what he’s been through, I think this looks good!

  3. It’s weird looking at the chart in the picture, because I noticed that although it shows the Sun has moved forward over the months from Sag to Pisces, Mars is still at the degree it was a few days ago (16* Gemini; due to the rx) and Uranus is still at the degree it’s on now, 15* Taurus. It’s like movement and stillness at the same time.

  4. I have natal Jupiter at 17 Pisces rx and my Aries ascendant at 11 and Chiron is natally in Aries as well.

    I appreciate your insights on this, Elsa! I have a bunch of stuff clustered across my third and fourth houses and December, January and February are typically sh*tty and have been since Pluto went into Cap. I have six planets/points across the third and fourth houses, and the clustered planets in Cap at year end bring a whole bunch of oppositions all at once.

    My strategy has been to basically to expect things to be less-than-positive, a defensive strategy. However, I do think things have changed for the better on the planet overall, and I’m ready to stop letting these transits knock me around.

    Maybe I’m just getting old or the waning Pluto opposite Sun has shown me that everything out there is just a big psy-op, but I’m ready to stop allowing these oppositions to keep me stuck and feeling bad for months at a time.

    What if I just move forward in spite of opposition anyway? Do it even though I don’t feel 100%? It seems like I could just practice flexing that IDGAF muscle, LOL. That’s the mindset I’m in.

    Also, Elsa: I’d love to know if you think we transcend our astrology as we get older. Maybe you have a post on this already? It seems like as I get older the less the stuff in my chart seems to have a hold on me. Do we learn the lessons of our chart and then they stop showing up? Thanks 🙂

  5. It’s interesting that the pic shown is of 23rd or 22nd of Feb. Any particular event you looking at on this date?
    As usual all of the action for me will happen between 10th and 2nd house. I’m glad to see a Venus return in Aries for me at that moment, since moon and jupiter will be conj chiron. Also glad these sextile mars. Uranus is where we will struggle for liberation. 1st house for me. Will mars lead the way? I do hurt in silence. I also feel quite invisible for years. All this aries i got going early 2023 is a waste being the 12h…

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    Irmi1969 / Char555

    On 22 Jan I’ll be having a Mars return, on star Aldebaran, and hopefully an influx of energy will kick me out of this tedium that you describe, Elsa. I’m quite comfortable with doing things over & over till I get them right, so I’m holding thumbs. It’s been a hellofa ride these last few years for many / most of us, hasn’t it.
    Venus is on my SN on 22 Jan as well.
    You mention the matrix? Just today I heard Gregg Braden say (or maybe it was his interviewer?) that the Matrix movie is a documentary. What a concept!!
    In the last little while, 2 crows have been visiting my garden every day. I have chosen to see them as emissaries of Odin, although Odin’s birds were much bigger ravens. “Thought” and “Memory”. Maybe watchwords for the two months of all-direct planets.
    Mercury will be right in the middle of the mish mash of direct planets when it goes retro.
    Good luck, everybody!

  7. Elsa, I’d love it if you’d break down the astrology for the date and time of King Charles coronation and how it might affect America. I’m curious as many don’t know that, K. Schwab is working for him.

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