Am I Going To End Up Alone?

scorpio goddessToday, I’m going to talk to a gal I have known for nearly twenty years.  Yes! She’s been around this blog, and it’s predecessor, since nearly day one.  She has a new man.

Thinking about talking to her, I feel hopeful. She’s a person of true quality. I feel strongly, regardless of what’s she’s been though, there is a man for her. She’s not going to end up alone.

I realized this may be true for everyone, assuming they want to partner. I know that’s a radical thing to say. I bet many reading think I sound delusional.  But this is what I really think.

Most people are closer to solving problems and changing their life than they might imagine. I’m in a position to know this because I’ve been consulting for decades. I have seen countless people break through.

Sometimes it takes some massive event or effort but more often, the chart reveals, if a person can just shift one thing or make a small change in their perception or perspective on something; that’s it.  The door opens, and they are completely renewed.

Life looks different that that exact moment. The person steps into the new life and everything around them has changed. 360 degrees.  Life just isn’t what they thought it was. It’s something else and it’s something better.

It sounds like a miracle but I think it’s usual. It’s a Pluto thing, I guess. The tiny thing that transforms a person, irrevocably.

What do you think about the idea that people are much closer to getting what they want, then they realize?


16 thoughts on “Am I Going To End Up Alone?”

  1. “Today, I’m going to talk to a gal I have known for nearly twenty years. Yes! She’s been around this blog, and it’s predecessor, since nearly day one.”


    “I feel strongly, regardless of what’s she’s been though, there is a man for her. She’s not going to end up alone.

    I realized this may be true for everyone, assuming they want to partner. I know that’s a radical thing to say. I bet many reading think I sound delusional. But this is what I really think.”

    I sure hope so. I read someone who said somewhere that people are a bit more forgiving as they get older, in terms of finding a match. They realize that people have a past, as they get into their thirties, forties, fifties.

    “It sounds like a miracle but I think it’s usual.“

    Maybe miracles are usual… maybe they happen all the time. That’s a beautiful thought to me.

    “What do you think about the idea that people are much closer to getting what they want, then they realize?”

    I think you’re probably right. Shifting perspective can do wonders, as well as becoming aware of self defeating patterns. A lot of people get in their own way, myself included. So if what we want is just up ahead (or right beside us, or inside of us), and all we have to do is get out of our own way to see it clearly, then people are definitely closer to getting what they want than they think.

    Sometimes, though, it seems like there’s a matter of feeling it, of timing, and destiny. I’ve watched people (and myself) receive the same information dozens of times from numerous sources, but it doesn’t land until it does. I always wonder why that is. And when we watch someone’s key go into someone’s lock and the lightbulb turns on, we don’t really know how many mismatched keys came before.

    Maybe it’s both. What we want is very close, but we need the right key to access it (experience, prospective, word, person, time—anything could be a key, like this post), and that’s what makes it seem very far, for some.

  2. I completely agree with Elsa and Buendia. It takes certain change of perspective, timing and probably right transits but miracles can happen. Two years ago I met love of my life and everything changed completely. Before that I was single for 15 years, doing same old job and it felt like it will be like that forever.
    It took just a little step out of my comfort zone. I’m an introvert and smiling and saying hello to a guy I don’t know was a big deal but it changed everything. He also overcame his shyness and those were the gamechangers.
    Looking at it from this perspective I don’t think it was a coincidence all that happened. When I was looking for an apartment to move away out of my parents house I decided on my current neighborhood for no apparent reason. It was the only place I looked for in a very big city. It was the same neighborhood where my man was living and working, almost the same street. It took me years to even notice him, and then years to meet each other. And suddenly everything clicked. Just snowballed from that first smile. Since then our lives changed in other departments too. I couldn’t recognize my life now. It still seems like a miracle. So don’t lose hope if things seem unchanged for a long time. Life changes in one day.

  3. I’m very happy for this person if she finally got a guy after 20 years. I hope I do. I’m going on year sixteen with no end in sight now, thanks to the pandemic.

    I suppose we could say that sort of thing happened with me with regards to acting, and meeting the (now thwarted by life) object of my affection. I finally GOT to do acting after years of nobody wanting me on a stage, because I finally found people who wanted me on it. And I have to say that the pandemic acting career is really going well here.

    But I also think that divine timing and the right people are key. I have wasted a lot of time in my life because I needed “the right person” for something (for example, to teach me how to drive) and it took until I was 30 to meet someone who could handle teaching me. Nothing worked on that topic until then. Finding a guy looks like it’s going to take even longer, since I finally met one I could end up with, but I was ready and he was not yet. Maybe that means he’s not the one, but I get all kinds of positive signs about waiting for him, so I most likely still will. He is worth waiting for, though I admit if I somehow met someone I liked who wanted to be with me right away, I would certainly consider it at least :p

    But now with the pandemic, we’re distant as hell since we don’t have anything to bond over or participate in together any more and all he does now is constantly work in the family business and can’t even do online theater. It makes me sad, but we’re going to lose touch, probably. I have been racking my brains as to how to talk to someone who wants to talk but is exhausted and not exactly participating in Internet pop culture these days (he doesn’t have Internet, lives in the boonies) and we can’t hang out in any way, not even Zoom.

    Anyway, Elsa, do you have any thoughts on how the (seemingly never-ending as far as I can tell now) pandemic is going to affect things like this?

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    Hildegarde's Noviciate

    Mine is strange. All my life Ive had here and there relationships. They usually last a year and then I break up. I now look back and see they pursued and I went along but didnt invest emotionally. I treated them more as friends. When the breakup happened I never spoke with them again. Mostly because they were hurt. Some complained they dont feel me connecting. I realized that I cant be committed until I do. I need a deep emotional friendship first to make it work. My North node tells me Im better off being friends with my lover. But with my moon in 8th and Venus in Scorpio its cant be a light friendship then…

  5. Right, Elsa! Just a little shift in perception and the insight comes flooding thru! The ah-hah moments are quite liberating, in whatever situation you find yourself in.

  6. Totally true. I think I just love being miserable. I desperately wish someone loved me. Maybe they would if I let them. Stop being a cantankerous bitch? Nahhh. Suffer!

  7. I haven been trying to change for someone, who is a highly sensitive person, for many years. It has been completely difficult to do and when successful sometimes is appreciated and sometimes not at all. I think it depends on who you are, how you were raised, your flexibility and desire to change things. I do believe there is someone for everyone, and maybe more than just one, but it does not mean you’ll find them or they you! Someone liked me a lot but lived overseas, and expressed an interest in me to a friend. I was not going to leave my homeland just to be with someone. For some, that would be a small price for happiness.

  8. It is amazing how much I can pine for something, and then outside events occur and I can see clearly that what I thought I wanted would have been a big mistake. In fact, I’ve forced a few things in the past, and suffered because of it. I still pine with my Venus/Neptune, but Saturn makes me wait and gives me perspective, and for that I am grateful. 🙂

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    Regina Schumacher

    “The person steps into the new life and everything around them has changed 360 degrees”
    I can´t speak for the other signs, but as a Virgo 180 degrees would do for me. I wouldn´t want to do it all over again 😉

  10. Elsa, I don’t get what this has to do with Pluto. Do you mean Pluto Natally? So where? And what aspects to that Pluto?

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    Theresa Bryant

    Im Virgo, Gemini moon, Virgo mercury, Leo venus, Leo mars, Aquarius jupiter, Scorpio saturn, Sagitarius uranus, Capricorn neptune, Scorpio pluto.
    He’s Leo, Virgo moon, Leo mercury, Cancer venus, Leo mars, Sagiterius jupiter, Gemini saturn, Libra uranus, Sagiterius neptune, Libra pluto. Are we a good match for each other.
    I feel some chemistry, but am I wrong?

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