Are Composite Charts Sensitive To Transits?

planets rectangleHi, Elsa,

Is the composite chart of a couple’s relationship similar to that of the natal chart of an individual in that when transiting planets touch planetary aspects of the composite chart it would be interpreted for the relationship of the couple as it would for an individual whose natal chart were touched in the same way?


Hi, Wondering.

Yes, composite charts respond to transits.

For example, my husband and I recently moved across the country. Our home(s)/ family were in upheaval for two years.

Neither one of us have transits to our Moon or 4th house at this time. However, we have a Cardinal T-square in our composite chart, involving the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Saturn. It was hit by Uranus and Pluto – KA-BAM!

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Do you track transits to the composite chart of your relationship?


5 thoughts on “Are Composite Charts Sensitive To Transits?”

  1. This is great information to have it opens up a whole new aspect of fully understanding relationships as they stand the whole of the combined parts. Thank you Elsa

    1. I should have mentioned…our son, who also had his home explode, DID have transits to both his moon and 4th house. Uranus, Pluto as well. So you can see how this adds up, exactly. 🙂

      1. getting this has opened up a whole new understanding of interpersonal interactions, which is wonderful for a Libra Sun like me 🙂

  2. Elsa’s right!! Especially if you follow the progressed composites and see the transits to those as well. But I’ve always heard it’s the rule of 3’s. If the composite, especially the progressed composite, and transits to both all show a recurring theme, it can highlight key developments in the relationship–such as when the couple meets, falls in love, gets married, gets divorced, etc.

    For instance, I knew a couple who kept their feelings from each other for a long time and moved away to opposite ends of the world, never telling each other. The composite reflected that and showed a moon and Venus in the 12th and a progressed Saturn conjunct Mercury in the first. It would take a significant amount of effort to bring them together. However, right to the day, the progressed composite showed a progressed new moon, they initiated contact with each other. There were also a slew of conjoining transits and one of the pair was having a natal Venus return EXACTLY to the minute conjunct the progressed new moon. (Crazy, right?!) At the time they reunited and had their first kiss, Progressed Venus had moved from the 12th for the first time ever and sat right on the progressed ascendant as a glorious transit of Venus conjunct Moon all conjunct that progressed Venus and AC right at the time when it occurred. ?

    The one who had the Venus return mentioned previously? Sometime later they professed they they were in love with that first kiss. The realization came exactly as transit Venus conjunct their natal Jupiter. Wild huh??

    But as progressed Venus moved on and shortly conjoined Saturn, the pair hadn’t been able to take the relationship very far off the ground before their working lives demanded too much in opposite directions and split them apart amicably. But I don’t think it’s the end because there’s a lot there –it’s still a story in progress. Maybe I’ll follow up with them in a few years and see what happens??

    But isn’t it crazy that astrology never lies?! I never cease to be amazed.

    1. Primrose:

      The composite reflected that and showed a moon and Venus in the 12th and a progressed Saturn conjunct Mercury in the first. It would take a significant amount of effort to bring them together. However, right to the day, the progressed composite showed a progressed new moon, they initiated contact with each other. […]
      The one who had the Venus return mentioned previously? Sometime later they professed they they were in love with that first kiss. The realization came exactly as transit Venus conjunct their natal Jupiter. Wild huh?? […]
      But as progressed Venus moved on and shortly conjoined Saturn, the pair hadn’t been able to take the relationship very far off the ground before their working lives demanded too much in opposite directions and split them apart amicably.

      I think that might be the most fucking depressing astrology story I’ve ever heard. 🙁


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