Astro Fairies Day!

two fairies Astro Fairy is a longtime client of mine. I’ve helped her with many different things over the years. She sees people struggling and she wants to pitch in by gifting a consultation to someone in need who can’t afford to pay.  She wants to do this once a month, for the dual purpose of helping you and supporting the site.  This month marks her one-year anniversary! 🥳🤩🎉

This month, Astro Fairy is joined by another generous soul, who is going to gift two people today.

If you need help with but you’ve not got the funds to pay for a consultation, please let us know in the comments. Astro Fairy usually comes around mid-day to choose someone.  I’ll email you and we can set a time.  Today, even!

This will be a 30 minute consultation by phone, skype or zoom. It sounds like a small amount of time for your large problem, but you’d be surprised at what can be achieved!

If you’re interested, please leave a comment.

Update!!  Another fairy showed up. She will pay for two more people, so five total this month.  Thank you, new fairy!!

Thanks, Astro Fairies!

UPDATE – thread closed for the month. Six people were gifted today.  THANK YOU, FAIRIES!
PS – I am not hearing back from anyone. There is no rush, but if you are waiting on me, please check your spam or email me. 🙂

Sk8samurai, Holly, MIL, Tamar, Rally, Marie. Thank you!

31 thoughts on “Astro Fairies Day!”

  1. Hello!

    I’m a long time client of ElsaElsa.
    However this year has been super difficult for me. I have had health problems and as usual I am once again unemployed. As Elsa knows i have battled with unemployment for ages. So the whole so far has been dealing with poverty.

    I have tried to change my course in line of work, but it seems impossible. In my country own needs always education to change a field to work in. Also my age makes me difficult to employ.

    Well, anyway it’s nice thing you do whoever gets a free reading!

    yours sincerely,

  2. Good morning Astro Fairies!
    I feel not connect with my life. It is like everything is in suspension. I will appreciate some advises. Thank you for the gift, both of you,
    Marie ☀️🌙

  3. I’m disabled and facing very difficult winter, not knowing which way to go. Could use some help in deciding the correct path forward.

  4. Good Morning, Astro Fairies! I’m 34 years old, one of the Mega-Caps of the early 90s (6 planets in Cap, from 6-28 degrees). I started learning Astrology around 2012 or 2013… I remember finding out what a Saturn Return was, then realizing that Pluto would be transitioning Capricorn until 2024. Back then, it seemed like a long time until it’d meet up with my 28-degree Sun. And although I was more afraid of my Saturn Return, I instinctively knew Pluto’s transit was going to bring Death. I figured it would literally be my own, and it turns out the period *has* brought Death, and other endings—but none that I ever could have anticipated, and I don’t really know where to go from here. I also found out a couple years ago that my birth time on my birth certificate is actually 3 hours earlier than when my mom told me it was, so I’m a Scorpio Rising (not Cap Rising, like I thought). All the Capricorn always made sense to me, but this revelation has added a wrinkle that I honestly don’t know how to make sense of on my own. I’ve gone from high-responsibility & higher-paying jobs to a part-time, dead-end gig at a vintage store. I’m toying with the idea of going back to school, but I really don’t know what to do with my life. Any intuitive insights would be very much appreciated! Much thanks for all the work you do.

  5. I live in another part of the world in a time zone that makes it difficult to catch up with new posts, alas here I am. I’m facing some existential questions, where to live, the organisation I’m working for is about to fall apart, my adult son is chronically ill with MS and I’m officially a pensioner but can’t stop earning money. I’ve got a plan (or several) like every Sagittarius, but for once I’d like to know what’s cooking and not wait for life to decide. I’d be very grateful for a 30 minute checkup with Elsa.
    And if all goes well, I’ll be the Astro Fairy for someone else…in the future. Thank you for considering me.

  6. Avatar
    Jose Gonzalez Lopez

    May the really ones in need win, The universe has many ways to show who the 2 candidates will be! Hope everyone is doing well & we all get through this rough times!

  7. I’m a single parent heading towards empty nest syndrome. Eldest is already at university & youngest is nearly 17 so won’t be far behind. I’ve not been working since 2017 due to some health issues & with this new life ahead of me, I want to start a business. I have so many ideas but feel somewhat paralysed & unable to move forward. I want to make decent money & be able to support myself, buy a home & travel a bit but not work myself into the ground. To have some insight into what my chart has to say about this would be the most amazing opportunity. I am on disability benefits currently so this type of investment is usually not an option for me. Astro Fairy & friend are so generous to offer this gift & I wish so much luck to everyone who has commented. ❤️

  8. Hi Astro fairy.
    I’m a long time reader and contributer here. I feel like I’m doing the right things to make my life better but it just seems like it’s getting more difficult. I feel like I’m going under. I tell people I’m struggling and they either laugh at me like I’m joking or tell me to get my shit together or are in a worse place than I am.

    I went back to school (at 51) so I could leave a toxic work environment/relationships and take care of my mom with Alzheimer’s. My summer financial aid (that I plan on to live so I can get good grades) came through six weeks late. Because of this I went under financially. I’m halfway through grad school with a 97 GPA in all my classes, but $2 to my name.
    It’s not as easy as ‘get a job ‘ Vehicle registration expired, $3000 to fix. Mom needs me but I can’t move in with my elderly parents, etc.
    I’m tired of being underwater and I don’t know how to turn it around without giving up.

  9. Thank you for your generosity, dear Astro Fairies, I would be ever so grateful to receive a reading. Please consider me as a recipient. Am at a crossroads in my life and Elsa’s wisdom would be deeply appreciated.

    Love & hugs,

  10. Hi Thanks Elsa and AstroFairies.

    I’ve been throwing my hat in ring for awhile … and don’t wish to broadcast specifics of my situation here.

    AstroFairy will feel if I’m right for her and hopefully so.

    Love in, peace out.

    Thank you!

    1. A sincere THANK YOU to the Astro Fairies this month & to Elsa! After my consultation, I feel much more confident in moving forward on the path laid out. Tough times don’t last, and it’s nice to be reminded that somewhere sometimes there’s sunshine. Cheers to all!

  11. It’s late and I may not get in, but if you are led to help me, I would appreciate it. I am simply worn out and I want to understand what is wrong with me. Why can’t I be authentic? Why can’t I bring in joy? Why am I so angry? When I think I have gotten ahead, I have ended up with different but usual problems. I’m lazy, I’m unwilling, I’m intuitive annoying, I don’t follow my own advice for others, I Sagittarius fuck it, I don’t defend even my worst actions, I’m a follower thinking I’m a leader, im a recovering talk-a-Holic, I’m not a doer, prefer being taught, I’m impatient and thankfully have learned patience unless inhavent slept, I’m living withAMA alcoholic, mental illness & other addictions. I’m an addicted personality.

  12. Hi! I love Elsa and astrology… I recently escaped a dangerous cult, separated from my husband who stayed in the cult, am one of 8 complainants facing a big trial against the cult leader.
    I am also disabled due to a severe spinal ailment, which erupted just as I left the cult. I am not sure if to go for surgery or not. And I need to get better for the trial in a year.
    In all this, funds have barely been available. I had to leave my job, can’t work due to my disability, and changed countries. Please help… a consultation would be a dream at this point in time. I wish I could afford it, but unfortunately I am barely surviving at the moment. Lots of love to all the fairies…

  13. it would be a lovely birthday for me to have a visit sponsored by the Astro Fairies. BD 7-29,1950 8:04 pm Cleveland, Ohio Thanks for offering surprises to all!!

  14. Astro Fairies – Thank you for your generosity.
    I am still in a desperate situation with not finding a rental, having no support, no family or friends to help, severe chronic illness, and my mental health is declining from the stress and constant worry. The anxiety is out of control and I was forced to start living in a very dangerous area filled with drug abuse and crime because I haven’t found a better affordable home.
    I have felt extremely desperate for months now, and Im getting sicker.
    Any insight would be a blessing for me.

  15. Mil and Holly, you are getting a consult with Elsa! Congratulation!
    To everyone else, thank you for writing in. Take good care.❤️

    To the other two Astro Fairies today, thank you so much for participating, and being so generous!❤️

    A quote my father Harry liked, by Booker T Washington “Success is to be measured, not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which are overcome, while trying to succeed.”

  16. I would love a reading from the astro fairies.
    I am going on one year of unemployment and instability.
    It would really help me keep my chin up if I had some astro insights.
    Much appreciation for all that you do!

  17. I’ve been privately (in my head) appreciating this initiative since it started, just writing to say -what a nice thing to do.

    Also, how many stories of people struggling, made me realise that my story isn’t as much as I felt it was.

    Hope there’s hope – and Grace – for everyone.

    1. Thank you for posting! I feel this way as well. These consultations are special in that they are gifted. I always have this in mind. It’s imperative the person benefit!

  18. Elsa is Illuminating!
    A Wonderful Gift for an Amazing Gift!
    Gift it to yourself if you can, and schedule time.

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