Astro Fairy Day – She’ll Be Running A Bit Late

fairy landscapeAstro Fairy is a longtime client of mine. I’ve helped her with many different things over the years. She sees people struggling and she wants to pitch in by gifting a consultation to someone in need who can’t afford to pay.  She wants to do this once a month, for the dual purpose of helping you and supporting the site.

If you’ve got something you need help with but you’ve not got the funds, please let us know in the comments. Astro Fairy is and evening person. She usually comes around mid-day.  This month, she has an appointment so she’ll be around later than normal.  We’re looking at mid-afternoon.

This will be a 30 minute consultation by phone, skype or zoom. It sounds like a small amount of time for your large problem, but you’d be surprised at what can be achieved!

If you’re interested, please leave a comment.

Thanks, Astro Fairy!

Astro Fairy made her choice. Thanks, everyone.

9 thoughts on “Astro Fairy Day – She’ll Be Running A Bit Late”

  1. Good morning Astro Fairy! I am still in the void. It is what I am feeling. I could used some insight.
    Thank you for your generosity,
    Have a nice day,

    1. Good morning astrofairy. I’m in a tough spot right now negotiating high stakes stuff that has long lasting emotional implications. I’d love your help!
      Thank you,

  2. Good morning Elsa & Astro Fairy, I am needing help. Things feel like they are falling apart in my body and friends have abandoned me or me them for my protection. I follow thru on one health issue & another one pops up before last is resolved. I am in constant pain from head to toe literally. I have faith things will get better but when?. It’s been rough & physically painful for over a few years. This same thing happened 21 years ago & after a few years of it, it suddenly stopped. All Drs want to do is put me on meds, send me another Dr. or Phycological evaluation without any solution to what’s going in. All blood work is good & scans show very little…..” for my age” I’ve been in physically active & good health up to this. Please guide me. I am grateful for your insight.
    Dee 3/8/193 12:10 pm Santa Monica, CA.

  3. Hi Astro Fairy and Elsa! My family could really use some help. Last year we moved across the country to start a new life for ourselves.

    We used our savings to buy a home in the fall, but right before the holidays my husband his lost a job.

    Luckily we had some leftover savings that could support us through the transition, and I have been able to pick up small jobs here and there, but now we are uncertain if we will be able to pay our bills this month.

    Both my husband and I have been applying for a steady job for months, but nothing has come up. One of us also needs to be at home to care for our son. We are waiting on some loan applications, but so far we haven’t heard back.

    Any support or guidance on our next steps would be so helpful for our family. Thank you for your consideration.

  4. That Angie Girl

    I’m currently negotiating my 2nd Saturn Return. We are having to move from our rental house of 14 years because the owner wants to remodel and charge more rent. I’m having trouble deciding which of my options are better, and the time frame. It’s coming down to the wire.
    Thank you for your generosity! We need more of this in the world.

  5. I would be very grateful to receive a reading. My daughter is having a baby in September. I want to move back to Australia in a few years. Now that’s up in the air. I’m at a crossroads. I’m working as a teacher’s assistant rn and I don’t know what the plan will be for next year. Should I stay or do something else. Will I even have a position here. I’m a single parent, so it’s very nerve wracking. A little heads up would be really soothing.

  6. Hi Astro Fairy & Elsa,

    My name is Aurora, and I’m a mother and wife living in Minneapolis, MN. I’m very rooted and yet why do I feel so insecure? What can I do to integrate my desire for change and my need to provide stability, and how do I reinvest in my family with so little resources? All around me, I see change happening, and I lack clarity and perspective to see my place in all this. It feels like magic is all around, but just out of grasp.

    Best wishes to everyone reading this.

    Sincere thanks,

  7. Hi Astro Fairy,

    I’m at a crossroads in life and wondering what direction to take. I’ve been long term unemployed and wondering do I stay put and keep looking or cut my losses and move in with family to look in their location and rebuild my life there.



  8. It’s always hard choosing every month, everyone seems deserving of a reading with, Elsa!
    Congratulations to S. and Aurora, you will get a reading with Elsa!
    To everyone else, hang in there! We are all in this together, yet as I say lately. “It’s not a margarita party.”
    This is “life school,” we are all here to learn. Take care, out there.❤️

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