Astro For The Rest Of 2024 – Relentless Chaos

chaosThe rest of 2024 looks like a beast.  There may be some calm days in there, but they will be extremely few and far between.  I’m intending to have this blog be a calm, sane place to check in.

I’m writing this, because someone mentioned the October 17th, full moon (Grand Cross and a tight, fraught opposition). I left that alone, intending to write about Jupiter turning retrograde on October 9th. This chart is also overwhelming. Point being, we’ve got trouble stacked up in such a way, trying to isolate the effect of the planet turning retrograde, is not likely to result in anything useful.  Basically, this is big picture stuff.  You want to take an overview rather than stress over details.

I knew this was coming so I started working on a Holiday Guide. I feel it will really help you as the whole period will be demystified in advance.  You’re going to read about all kinds doom – you can check it against the guide and hopefully stay grounded in your boat?  My part of this is done. Satori is working on her part, which looks to be extensive, this year.   We hope to have it ready to go within the next two weeks.

chaos confusionOutside of that – today – my advice is you set your expectations, appropriately.  It would be like working in retail during the holiday season. You’re going to be taxed.  Very few people will coast through this.  It doesn’t mean, you get hit or hurt – it does mean you’ll be impacted.  I’m talking about something happening to the person next to you. They’re hit and you’re involved.

I want this to be clear: I am not wanting to scare anyone.  We just had this hurricane and by God, you want to prepare for things like this.  In this case, I’m suggesting you look at where your headed… and let me bring this down to earth.

If you were headed to a dance, you’d be prepared to dance!
When you’re headed into a period like this, you should also be prepared to dance… another type of dance.

I don’t think this is about a horrible tragedy. It’s possible, but I think this is more like each individual is put in an acute situation – now deal!

In my case, this is likely to mean lots of phone calls and juggling of tasks, to keep the house maintained, while my husband cares for his dying mother. I do not expect a break.  That’s the key, right there.  If you’re looking for a break that is not coming, you’ll make yourself miserable.   Retail at Christmas time, remember?  Get your game face on!

If you have a birthday during this time – you’re looking at extended chaos.  Don’t mind-fuk yourself. Prepare!

2024 Solar Return: Know When To Hold’ Em, When To Fold ‘Em!

Personally, I would not get too invested in specific predictions during this period. You want to maintain your personal equilibrium, your perspective and your mental and physical health. If you’re hanging with people who harm these things – you know what to do.  Replace them with people who make it EASIER, not harder. If you can’t find people like that, I would go it alone.   That would be better than allowing someone to place the straw that breaks the camel’s back… and yes. You’re the camel.

Last, some people have the ability to thrive in chaos. I’m one of them, so long as there is no bleeding!  People like me can and should assist others.  It’s good for the soul and also these things come around.

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